Gabrielle Roberts
David Ward
Happy Birthday David

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Simon Blake
Happy Birthday! Wishing you a year filled with love, laughter, and joy.

Jamie Henderson
Wishing you lots of joy, laughter and unforgettable moments as you celebrate another birthday!🎁🎉

Run away from her as quickly as you can. Full story: https://bit.ly/4h3fyOd
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Hope he's in enough pain to keep going until the finish.
Trump is doing what is best for the USA, Albo should do the same. Full story: https://newscomau.org/3CJVbr3
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He refused and then signed an order for steel and aluminum with no exceptions.
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Oh, what about "cash without a sweetie" or something like that?
If you don't get it, Gold is just "Au" in the periodic table. Take away the A and you're left with "u". So basically, they're saying they want you.
100% rate rise …. WTF is going on. Full story: https://newscomau.org/3EHbqpg
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Where da audits and other bigwigs at? Them councils be on some next level crookedness.
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He needs mates he can trust. Top bloke. Rebecca Roberts
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How much moolah do you think these guys are going to score from that Tasmanian tycoon picking up the tab? Hugh Murnane
I know they will want many AFL memberships. Just wish the Mercury would stop trying to sabotage the stadium.
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Meanwhile, the parent just made sure that her kids won't be able to get a job anymore. No one will hire them now.
"Ya know, I have a pretty good back and forth thing going with my boss, and I gotta say, I'm totally on board with this decision. Us folks who have to pick up the slack when others can't be bothered are sick and tired of always being asked to work extra shifts and cover for those who never return th... View More