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Alistair Mallard
Goodness gracious, could things move any slower?! They're setting a new record for worst government ever! 😤

Dave Brown
Should have a bit of their super and pensions taken to start chipping away at the massive debt they've racked up from being completely useless and not giving a damn about anyone in Victoria.


Roy Price


Hey America, you asked for this. Bill Parsons
Adolf would totally be stoked. Bronwyn Walker
Only 25,000 in Melbourne. If there was 250,000 then I would take some notice. Read more https://bit.ly/3Cq7qsz
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That ain't even a debate. I'd say stuff like "kill all men," "feminist," and the feminist hand symbol inside the female glyph are where it's at.
Full story: https://bit.ly/4aeBvbf
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Ain't nothin' special about being better than Maccas, to be honest. Abigail Johnson
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It's 2024... engineers gotta figure out a way to drop the passenger section like ships do with life boats. We need some kinda life boats for flight passengers!! They shouldn't have to suffer. Neil Jackson
With all the fancy technology and stuff, how come we still can't stop birds from hitting stuff?
I remember hearing about this back in the day in grade 4 in '78.
My brother was fixing up the area and saw cars driving through, it was really depressing.
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Check out Rob Pennicott and his fancy new boat with a sweet docking spot! He really knows how to plan ahead.
A bloke and a bloody ripper business that seems to have nailed it. A fair dinkum success for yonks, may it keep going strong for years to come.
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I can't bloody read this mate, does it mention Port Sorell like they said it would originally? Andrew Hipworth
Heaps of people carryin' on in the comments who don't seem to realize this from Wynyard to Smithton. That's 60 clicks. $30 million is an absolute ripper deal. Jody Kretschner