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I remember hearing about this back in the day in grade 4 in '78.
My brother was fixing up the area and saw cars driving through, it was really depressing.
Happy Birthday
Wishing my crazy and fun-loving friend a very happy birthday! 🎊🎁🎈
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So we're experiencing this rare early summer weather after centuries. But are we saying it's the earliest, hottest summer in 18 years or the other way around? 🌞🔥 Grace Wilson
Mate, back in the day growing up as a kid on the Central Coast of NSW, it was scorching hot, but we handled it without all this climate change nonsense. None of those alarmist nongs going on about global warming - it's just a cash grab these days. Elizabeth James
Masssive price paid for 'ruby shoes' at auction. Read more
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I reckon I bloody love the Wizard of Oz, mate. If you've got $28Mil to splash on them Ruby slippers, go nuts... But personally, I could think of a few better things to spend that dosh on, hahaha. Since I ain't got $28Mil though, I reckon I'll just zip my lips.
28 million! I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I reckon you might be interested in having a yarn about.
Happy Birthday
I hope you have a great day. A big Happy Birthday to you Katelyn
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I can't bloody read this mate, does it mention Port Sorell like they said it would originally? Andrew Hipworth
Heaps of people carryin' on in the comments who don't seem to realize this from Wynyard to Smithton. That's 60 clicks. $30 million is an absolute ripper deal. Jody Kretschner
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At least he's got a good bloody excuse, mate? What's the premier and his mates' excuse for the whole "Spirit" disaster and all that jazz? 😃
He is doing an excellent job representing his constituents, I admire his dedication. I wish more politicians were like him. Linda Wright