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John Allan

Male. Lives in Moonah, Tasmania, Australia. Born on September 23, 1977.
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Brianna Smith
I need a pair of these for the beach.
3 Yarn
Richard Rivera
So an Australian passport is going up by $50 more. How much money can this government screw out of us
Matt Gilchrist
Albo dives in again to catch more votes. What won't he do. He is sending the country bankrupt
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NRL Knowall
This is not a good look any way you cut it up
Alexis Dixon
AFL Tassie name to be reveled. Most people don't care. We want a new hospital
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Kaylee Walker
helpless man at Costco
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Teresa Hughes
OMG and he has no regrets
Cricket  legends
Swan says England should have won Ashes if Leach had played more
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AFL rumour mill
Oliver takes another break
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Aaliyah Lucantoni
When will these dickhead Aussie tourist ever learn in Bali
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