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Joel Martin
This is getting bloody embarrassing for Jacinta Allan now. Her ministers are all talking different crap. It's like they're all just trying to keep their own arses out of the firing line. 🤔

Andy O'Donnell
Let the elections begin! These dudes are way in over their heads, it's a total joke!


Will Waters


Happy Birthday Nick Kennedy
Anthony Albanese has been called out over a bold claim about hitching flights with billionaires, with the PM lashing out amid claims he accepted free Qantas upgrades.
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It's like public servants would get the boot for this, but politicians (no matter the flavor) are always skating by without any hint of integrity! Briony Nilan
I reckon the national NACC has better things to worry about, like those dodgy detention center contracts given to Duddon's buddies back when he was Home Affairs Minister. 🤔 Evan Clark
Hugh and Sutton look the goods. Full story: https://bit.ly/48irKYx
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Liverpool Football Club, stay strong and never walk alone.
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I'm totally blind to this. Should I hit up Jenny for some wisdom? For a measly dime, she's my go-to gal. 😂 Kayla Lopez
Sad that we had to put little Olli to sleep yesterday. Ralph will be very sad as well as he has lost his best friend.
Sorry to hear about this Duncan Smith I lost my dog that I had for 13 years a few months back and still miss him everyday
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Is it possible to complete all those tasks with 27 million dollars while a bike path for 2.4 kilometers costs 10 million? Frances Lee
Who needs a footpath on Smyth road anyways? It's like a ghost town over there! Instead of wasting money and workers on that, let's focus on fixing up the roads and painting some snazzy new lines.
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I reckon the Dogs or Hawks will give Port a run for their money next week.
Fair dinkum, Port put on a right bludger of a performance tonight.