Ariana Morris
Adam MacDonald
Happy Birthday Adam MacDonald

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Kyle Rowe
Happy Birthday. Have a super super day filled with lots of fun and alcohol

Erin Armstrong
Here's to a fabulous year ahead! Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday
Here's wishing you a birthday filled with love, laughter, and lots of cake!
Happy Birthday
Woolies bring back 'Australia Day’. Full story: bit.ly/3DGNVMU
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In the good old days of the Boomers, there was no such nonsense as they were smarter.
They can't front, just peep their suppliers and their yearly profits, can't argue with that fact.
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I've been spiking drinks with meth since I was a youngin' back in the 80s. Eve Hargreaves
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Uh oh, the game just pulled a sneaky on my PC and deleted windows defender! What's my next move? 💀🥶 Let's try to outsmart it! Maria Bernardi
Frankie Valli is 92 and still singing on stage. I hope I can walk when I am 92
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Untitled Video
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That's why they sold out so quick, to avoid making people grossed out.
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You gotta give dude props though...for hooking us up with that POINT...LOL. That probably stung...Catch you in Syd 🖤💙🤍 Sydney...
Hinjley has a track record of talking too much, which is why.
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