Surely no one really spends $30 on 1 strewberry. Just stupid Tiktok people. Full story:

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Andrew McMullinAM
Andrew McMullin
I'll give it a shot and cross my fingers for some serious tastiness, but seriously, it better be bursting with ripeness!

Rod Fielding
It's not just the strawberry... It's influencer stuff, so it's worth the money.

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Yeah, they definitely should! I'd be so embarrassed to be American right now 🤔
It's about damn time Dutton grew a spine. Philip Faulkner
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Butter is now $2 richer, cheese is now $5 more luxurious, and tea is getting twice the attention in just 3 years! But for the average family, it's all just a day in the life.
I'd ditch the pillow outside. Silly little cutiepie. Fiona Ward
Thank goodness it's not a brown Brett Whittaker
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Tennis is just a game for rich snobs from private schools who only care about themselves! I'm glad I won't have to deal with them anymore. Love, TJ, hilarious as always.
Tony Jones needs to seriously rethink his actions and issue a public apology ASAP! Channel 9 better step up and address this, or they'll be in hot water too! Adam Grace
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Is that a doodad thingamajiggy? Heather Cambridge
I've had the same situation with my digs/tacho for 35 years…
Elon Musk set to become a Trillionaire within 3 years. Full story:
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This ain't cool, it should be shamed not rewarded. Judy Bell
Yo Elon Musk, you gonna throw some cash Kamala's way for me or what?
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Butter is way too expensive, I reckon the supermarkets are getting kickbacks from the margarine companies to make marg cheaper. Another dodgy car park deal, mate. Katie Smith
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Onya, Rankine copped a knock 'cause he stacked it on his noggin! Fair dinkum, keep playin' on mate! Theresa Smith