Happy Birthday
I hope you have a great day. A big Happy Birthday to you Julie
Happy Birthday. Have a super super day filled with lots of fun and alcohol
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Just curious, mate. Who copped some cash from USAID in Straya and how'd they spend it? Danielle Holland
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They need to have their license taken away ASAP. Melissa Harrington
It's messed up that weed is legal in other countries but not here, that's just not right.
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It was a big shoutout to the people for kicking out the trashiest government in American history. Adam Wright
So, the stars on the Jewish peoples arms were just the Nazis' way of showing how much they adored them, am I right?
In all honesty, I am no longer interested in buying a Tesla as the future is in hydrogen and hybrid technology.
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It's funny how none of the homies from India are sticking up for him. They know he's gotta explain himself. Jess Butler
They should dock Kohli his entire match fee for deliberately bumping into Konstas. Gloria Jenkins
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It's like, just okay chocolate when there's nothing better around, ya know?
Chocolate is trash nowadays anyway. Brent Grady
Happy Birthday
Wishing my crazy and fun-loving friend a very happy birthday! 🎊🎁🎈
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