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Brandon McKenzie
haha, wasn't it their boss who came up with that idea? Nice to see someone in the government has some sense.

Andrew Mooney
Can we just remember that it was Jacinta who came up with that idea? The education minister wouldn't have liked it from the beginning, so that's why it got canceled.


Todd Washington


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If he's supposed to be the next big thing, why aren't they giving him any game time? Marnus better hop on that flight and get in some serious practice. Peter Francis
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Every little one is a unique individual. There are some kiddos who definitely need a swift spank now to avoid a worse punishment from the world later on. Life has its way of balancing things out. Do you want to tackle the tough stuff now and cruise later, or take it easy now and deal with the challe... View More
LOL, living in a bubble wrap! If you accidentally freak out on a kid, that's abuse. But if they just get a little smack for not listening after tons of warnings, that's a wake-up call. Every kid is different! Craig Stevens
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Sam ain't quite there yet for the big leagues, but ease him in slowly. Test cricket ain't about showboating, you gotta focus and work hard. Maybe in one day cricket he can show off a bit, but he'll get exposed soon enough. Don't get me wrong, he's talented, just take it easy with him.
This is a silly idea. Let the young dude play! Let all the young dudes play!! Gotta keep moving forward now.
This is just not right. Read more https://bit.ly/3PCNgi0
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Takes me back to those hazy days in my university share house when I was, well, feeling pretty good lol
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No worries, we got a new vax factory in Melbourne. They'll prob have a shot ready in a few months, or maybe they already got one. Benji Reynolds
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There is attention seeking and then there is this. Check it out: https://bit.ly/4ghzn4n
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Kylie's attitude is as stuck as a leopard's spots - always gonna be feisty!
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Proving that we're never gonna have the pleasure of not seeing her again. Ben Wilson
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