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Doesn't matter mate, what's the go with seating people in that?
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Chuck her backers and strip her of the OAM too!! Alessia Ferraro
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She's being all fake and crying fake tears, it's so annoying. She's definitely pulled this act before. Such a headache 😢 I wouldn't even want to be friends with her.
He had no problem making her feel like a queen. I love how she got revenge on him for talking about her ex who she sees as a god. He was not happy about it. Aiden Wood
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I'm so bummed. They do this messy show every year and someone always ends up dead or injured. What's the deal?
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I rock Everyday Extra and Everyday Mobile, never had a hiccup! No flashy ads, just been loyal for years.
Spend 2 grand at Woolies, only score 10 bucks back. No cap, it ain't even worth the hassle to swipe that card. Alana Turner
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Has that tradie been camping out under a bridge? No way he's a Victorian if he's still got his ute.
There's a whole bunch of stuff that's gonna need some help from the crew - nothing new there!
Happy Birthday Isabella Ferguson
You’re officially old enough to know better but not old enough to care. Happy Birthday Isabella
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Canceling our National Day celebrations is unjust and unacceptable. Mark Tan
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