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I'm low-key freaking out about how he totally flipped over something so small. I can't even imagine what he'd do if something major happened.
Exaggerated... but they don't mention Adrian's emotional abuse. Andrew Allan
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It would be dope if they came through with a no tip rule. It's hella irritating when you're traveling in the US. Jarrad Bennett
Happy Birthday Ethan Williams
Wishing you lots of joy, laughter and unforgettable moments as you celebrate another birthday!🎁🎉
This is bad and getting worse by the sounds of it. Full story:
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Mate, us Aussies get bushfires. It's bloody awful, but it ain't gonna make the front page here. Paula Jones
So the bloke who snapped the pic was a firie, yeah? Did they chuck a U-ey and bail straight after, mate?
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I'm so bummed. They do this messy show every year and someone always ends up dead or injured. What's the deal?
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I had a feeling that was the situation when the reporter mentioned they didn't say if the shooter was a guy or a girl. David Brown
It's crazy how school shootings are like no big deal in America now, and it seems like no one is doing anything to fix it. I'm from South Africa and just saw it on the news. Can't believe a 15 year old would do that. We have our own crime problems back home, but this school shooting stuff just doesn... View More
The Melbourne Storm scrap 'Welcome to Country’. Read more
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No need for a welcome to my own country, but it's a good decision.
Happy Birthday Grace
It’s your special day — get out there and celebrate! Grace
Wishing you a day filled with happiness and a year filled with joy. Happy birthday!