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David Johnston

David Johnston

Male. Lives in Croydon Park, South Australia, Australia. Born on September 28, 1998.
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News Update
Ben Cousins not going to Hall of Fame either
Andrew Muir
If he starts sharing his journey to recovery and lending a hand to others in need, he totally deserves a spot in the Hall of Fame!
May 9, 2024
Sofia Riva
For sure 💯
Regardless of his past actions, he deserves his place due to his immense talent and the price he has paid.
Tom Oliver
It's good to see he's finally getting his act together, but with all the chances he had to straighten out, he should've been sober by now. No way he deserves a spot in the hall of fame.
Afl and WCE are totally to blame for why he ended up going down the rabbit hole. They scoop up these super talented kids and throw them right into the limelight, with all the cash and attention that comes with it. But hey, they're still just kids! They didn't have anyone looking out for them back th... View More
May 9, 2024
Brett Freeman
Aussies need to realise that there's a way out of the dark times, otherwise they won't have any reason to change their ways.
Adam Taylor
Ablett is a solid example of this, AFL just kinda worships whoever they feel like.
Jordan O'Keefe
The AFL ain't got no integrity now, Carey and Cousins were both legends in the game! You can't erase their records because of woke culture, they've turned their lives around and are doing good things. Can't wait for this to get reversed.
May 9, 2024
Fiona Jones
Their playing ability is not sufficient.
If the AFL is gonna act all high and mighty about what happens off the field, then they better start running background checks on the fans.
Jeff Brooks
And it shouldn't either.
Dean Kilpatrick
"Fair dinkum, mate. He doesn't meet the criteria either!"
Randy Wright
I hope Chris Mainwaring ain't no hall of famer or even being thought about. We all know the truth about him.
May 9, 2024
Robert Cook
Having a criminal record limits job opportunities and reflects past behavior, even for former sports stars. Mistakes should be a learning opportunity for improvement.
May 9, 2024
Bruce Martin
Ben's choice may have been offside, but he's proof that young players can bounce back from addiction and his football skills are a goal worth cheering for. AFL, you're just not playing fair!
Chris Dawson
There will soon be no one to induct into the hall of fame.
Randy Turner
The absolute best! So glad he's finally found his way. But sorry, no gold stars for him. He totally messed up so many times. Why give prizes for being naughty when you're supposed to be a role model for kids?
Peter Sorrentino
"Totally cool with the decision."
He was the top bloke in WA back in the day, a ripper player.
Karen Smith
Nat ripped in for sure
Jonathan Wilson
Sorry, but Channel 7? Hard pass! 😝
April 30, 2024
Jake McDonald
Hey, can we take a break from pointing fingers at all the guys? Like, I was taught from day one to never lay a hand on a lady.
Can you believe the government thinks it can control our private lives and stop us from doing what we want? It's all just an excuse to spy on us and take away our freedom. They've already killed over 10,000 people with the vaccine and only care about 26 deaths. It's messed up.
Daniel Diaz
I wonder if those girls regret choosing the bad boys over us nice guys. Well, they can enjoy the mess they've made!
Johnny Harris
Domestic abuse goes both ways, bro. Some chicks can get real aggressive too, it ain't just a guy thing.
April 30, 2024
Graham Hewitt
Is Plibersek's hubby a notorious drug dealer?
April 30, 2024
Charlie Baker
Why did it seem like they were just hating on guys in all the talk about that march for DV?
Scott Bennett
I also know a few aggressive women.
April 30, 2024
It's a sausage fest. Just suck it up.
Anderson Cameron
Everyone gets a gun, let's be like America, yeah! 🔫🇺🇸
David Johnston
When will women take responsibility for choosing and staying with "bad boys", as governments can't regulate personal decisions.
April 30, 2024
Scott Smith
The big issue is letting guys get away with being mean and rough in school, which leads to bullying. The government doesn't do anything about it, so then these guys grow up and treat their wives the same way. My advice for now? Stay away from guys from messed-up families. And ask any guy you're inte... View More
April 30, 2024
Chris Duffy
But do you call out your homie when he disses a lady? Do you make sure everyone in your crew feels respected and protected?
Carl Nelson
"Most of the violent crime (90%) is done by blokes. No one's accusing all men, but the good blokes ain't doing much when they get all defensive and stay quiet about misogyny and femicide. If you ain't helping fix things, then you're just adding to the drama."
Vote YES or NO
Do you think that it is to hard for young people to buy a house?
Scott Green
It's going on for all generations, not just hers.
Todd Barnes
I can't believe some of y'all act like it's the end of the world if you have a coffee every once in a while. Geez, some people are just so annoying.
Chris Morgan
Do yourself a solid and check out the Barefoot investor - it's life-changing! I only wish I had known about it sooner. If you adopt the Alpaca mentality he talks about, anything is achievable. My partner and I started following his advice a few months back and it's already made a huge difference in ... View More
Greg Collins
Have you ever thought about not being a fitness trainer and maybe becoming a neurosurgeon or even the Prime Minister instead?
David Harding
My sons, both over 20, want to move out but are being turned down due to lack of rental history.
April 24, 2024
Can't they just chill at the place for a year or two and then get some rental experience?
David Johnston
Having your own space is fancy, but living with roommates would be a better idea than dealing with a super long commute.
April 24, 2024
Kevin Smith
Apologies for my direct approach, but I stumbled upon your profile and really like it.
Andrew Wylie
Some of 'em don't wanna work full time. Plus, they live in a 1 bedroom flat.
April 24, 2024
Doris Thomas
can't be bothered working at all
Yeah, just chill at home and leech off the 'rents, who busted their butts their whole life and still gotta foot the bill for their grown-ass kids.
David Viney
Living in a highly commercialized world leads to prioritizing wants over needs, often driven by advertising. By focusing on needs first and avoiding unnecessary purchases, it is easier to attain financial stability. The pressure to buy now and pay later through credit cards can lead to financial str... View More
Ben Clark
Many "Boomers" lived in their parents' spare rooms or converted garages with their babies until they could afford their own homes.
Alex Grozos
Media outlets love stirring up controversy to increase engagement and attract attention.
Dave Gardiner
As long as they cough up their rent on time and cover their own grub, all good.
Anthony Terlich
I suspect the politician is profiting from overpopulating the country and forcing people to pay high rental prices.
April 24, 2024
David Johnston
We hear these stories every day and know what's going on.
Charles Long
That's just the way it is, we've all had a go at it at some point I reckon
April 24, 2024
The price of a house these days is like, ten times what people make in a year, instead of the 4-5 times it used to be. And yeah, blame it on avocado toast, but it's no wonder us young folks are having a tough time.
I hope they don't expect a free ride and are mature enough to handle their own laundry. They can't just waltz in and out whenever they feel like it, expecting everything to be handed to them. They're not kids anymore, so they should pitch in and help out mom and dad, who are already doing so much fo... View More
Tom Elliott
This ain't just about the spoiled, entitled generation - we all in the same boat, hustlin'. Rent, mortgages, and bills be goin' up for everybody. So quit makin' it a blame game on just one group.
Adrian Gregory
The reason we have a housing crisis is because everyone is only looking out for themselves. We're supposed to be a community that helps each other out, not trying to make a quick buck off of each other. If we all worked together and didn't buy into these ridiculous prices, things would go back to no... View More
April 24, 2024
Aaron Donegan
Some of us don't have the option to rely on family and need to figure out a solution for ourselves.
Mick Russell
You must appreciate those who find humor in the challenges faced by young individuals.
Cooper Marshall
Back in the day, it was all about the individual. But now, with all these rich kids blowing up on YouTube and TikTok, why bother sticking to the old school ways? Working in a car factory used to be the dream, but it's not the same vibe anymore.
Anthony Skinner
"My squad can't get dome"
That's why Albo is pitching in with all the new people coming into the country.
Did this really happen???????????
David Johnston
So he gotta
Harry Gray
Some cars are less hygienic than this.
April 16, 2024
Brenda King
and how they rock their outfits
Joshua Flores
Some commenters may believe it's okay to take photos with baby tigers or ride elephants, without realizing the harm these animals endure.
April 16, 2024
John Rowe
Looks like we've stumbled upon the chatty plant-eater!
Ben Smith
I can't be around horses, they make me break out 😬 It's kind of like how some people bring their pets everywhere, like to DoorDash and stuff. But it's not very clean.
April 16, 2024
John Melonas
As a DD driver, I've peeped it. And they be puffin' in their whips too.
I'd be bloody asking Uber where in the rules it says you can't use horses for deliveries then he can stick it to 'em for unfair dismissal, mate. But good on him, as long as the people got their tucker, I don't reckon there's a problem.
Jeffrey Walker
Why would anyone even think about banning horses as a mode of transportation? That's just silly!
Aaron Bell
Uber Eats drivers don't understand the safety of using drones for delivery.
Barry Richardson
My kids would be hyped if dinner rolled up on a horse 🐴
April 16, 2024
Neville Baird
Door Dash or Menu Log should compete with each other immediately - it would be a smart marketing decision!
Antonio Rizzi
Amazing job on the PR! Such a gorgeous steed!
David White
If you can get a DUI on a horse, since they're seen as a mode of transportation, why not do deliveries too?
John Gaffney
It would be more secure than an electric scooter!
April 16, 2024
Gary Dwyer
Spot on mate.. they’re bloody worse than bloody cyclists
Michael James
It's better for them to make the delivery than to be the ones receiving it.
Fred Butler
Get your own service going, set a top-dollar price, everyone's mad for horses, just gotta make sure they're treated right, mate.
Josh Richardson
Oh great, here come the party poopers!
April 16, 2024
Adrian Thomson
I'd shell out some extra dough to have my meal delivered by a noble steed!
Scott Thomas
Fantastic concept and received tons of attention as well!
April 16, 2024
Ashe Murray
At least it's eco-friendly and you don't have to worry about charging it.
April 16, 2024
Aaron Manton
Would hear him coming before he dinged the bell
Tom Dorotich
Awesome idea! I'd totally be down for that if it came to my place.
Luis Campbell
I'd throw down some serious cash if I could pet a horse while getting my delivery.
April 16, 2024
Marco Grassi
I would love my food being delivered by a beautiful horse!
Charles Smith
Less pollution.. no worries mate.. it's a ripper idea..... Seems like they wanna ban horses from the bush too... The Brumbies are copping bullets from choppers and not put down straight away.. fair dinkum report on the bloody killing of the Brumbies!
April 16, 2024
David Viney
Yes that grass sure is ugly. You win
Brenton Wilson
Are you kidding? She doesn't even have any wrecked cars on it, such a disappointing attempt.
January 18, 2024
Christopher Phillips
Watch me do something even more impressive.
January 19, 2024
I reckon I could have totally given her a run for her cash...
January 19, 2024
Justin Black
Gloomy day for Garden Force
January 20, 2024
Jason Townsend
Yeah, if her dress be that long, then it definitely needs to be trimmed.
January 20, 2024
James Parker
We got mad gardens in the Netherlands that be straight up streets. Ain't nothin' livin' there fam. Sh*t's way worse, know what I'm sayin'?
January 21, 2024
Darren Elliott
American cities and backyards in the summer are much worse than that.
January 21, 2024
Matt Johnson
Yo. Having open spaces and mad green lawns can straight up protect your crib during a bushfire.
January 21, 2024
Allan Hunter
My house has become a mess because I have been too sick to leave for the past 7 months.
January 21, 2024
Sean Morgan
Damn, what a noob! They gotta peep mine!
January 22, 2024
Jack Bryant
Tassie is absolutely killing it in Scandinavia right now
January 22, 2024
Chris Dimopoulos
I adore this charming grass patch! Definitely more enjoyable compared to artificial turf!
January 22, 2024
Andrew Emmett
I should've joined in, I'm pretty sure I would've nailed it.
January 22, 2024
Matt Gilchrist
I'm loving what she hasn't done with the place!
January 23, 2024
David Watson
It's not exactly brag-worthy.
January 23, 2024
Brian McMillan
Seems like the hair on my head.
January 23, 2024
Adam Walker
I believe folks should check out the official lawn definition before they start calling this thing a lawn.
January 23, 2024
Greg Hay
Looks bloody beaut, mate.
January 24, 2024
Andrew Dodd
Well done mate!
January 24, 2024
Gary Hogan
Sweden might be cheekily teasing our beloved Queen Mary of Tassie, also known as Denmark.
January 25, 2024
Max Parker
Mate, reckon the grass matches the rug?
January 26, 2024
Just WTF really
Laura Baker
Dogs aren't seen as pets here. Is she stupid of something
3 Yarn
Stewart Wilson
Looks like she's never been outta her bubble or witnessed how dogs are pampered like human babies out there. She better go get some real-life experience before throwing shade.
December 12, 2023
Hugh Murnane
They are like family to us.
December 12, 2023
What a stupid thing to say
December 12, 2023
Grant Myers
When it comes to dogs and their owners, most of them live indoors and aren't just left outside in any weather. This girl is spouting nonsense without any evidence. It's true that dogs aren't allowed in stores or pubs, but that's only because of rules set by authorities that dog owners can't control.... View More
December 13, 2023
Paul Murray
You got it! They're not just pets, they're considered part of the family.
December 13, 2023
Alessandro Gatti
I think she was trying to say that Aussies perceive animals as more like buddies or companions rather than just pets, which might have caused some misunderstanding.
December 14, 2023
Shane Wilson
Most Australians consider pets as part of their family.
December 14, 2023
Brendan Barrett
What are they then?
December 15, 2023
Andrew Tarrant
Let's have some fun == Let's return to Sweden!
December 15, 2023
David Johnston
I kinda agree. I'm from the UK and I brought my dog with me. Back in the UK, she could hop on buses, trains, go to the pub, and even visit shops. But here, she gets all confused when I have to tell her "no" when she tries to jump on a bus or enter a pub! I have friends here who absolutely adore thei... View More
December 16, 2023
John Byrne
My four little Chihuahuas would take offense if you referred to them as pets; they are my beloved children and that's how I care for them. They are even better nourished than my adult offspring, as they constantly remind me jokingly. Regardless, it's none of her concern; she's just a troublemaker se... View More
December 16, 2023
Josh Walters
My dogs run my house and sleep with me, but they cannot eat citrus, potatoes, garlic, or pork. They also like to lay on the couch and take the front passenger seat in my car.
December 16, 2023
Austin Bourke
When you travel to other countries and witness dogs everywhere, in shopping centers, cafes, etc., it's easier to comprehend the misconception. Recent events have shown that our fellow humans are more inclined to share something with us compared to our pets. A big applause to Bunnings for creating a ... View More
December 17, 2023
Mark Jackson
Would you like to remain outdoors in the heat or rain?
December 17, 2023
Liam Murphy
There are two kinds of dogs: the ones we have as pets and the ones that do jobs.
December 18, 2023
Brad Wilson
Generalizations are rarely wise.
December 18, 2023
My dog isn't just a pet, she's my precious little baby girl.
December 18, 2023
I wish pets were allowed inside more places like in other countries because it's more common in Europe and even on Victoria island in Canada.
December 19, 2023
We consider them our family.
December 19, 2023
Mathew Williams
Nah, they ain't just pets. They part of the fam and loved no matter what.
December 20, 2023
Adam Grace
You're spot on..... THEY'RE FAM
December 20, 2023
Andrew Sorenson
Alright, head on back home!
December 20, 2023
Gary Martin
We prefer dogs over GRETAS.
December 20, 2023
Luke Henderson
What? You better head back to your home!
December 20, 2023
Mick Russell
Not all mutts are living the high life or rocking fancy outfits. Some pups are out there pulling their weight and being tough. Not every dog gets to chill indoors. Many canines crash outside.
December 21, 2023
What a hero.
The Yak
Amazing. Well done Izzy
December 1, 2023
Initially, I mistook Superboy for pushing the bus, but then I realized it was the 14-year-old girl who was doing all the hard work, avoiding an accident with your joint effort. Well done, your work hasn't gone unnoticed.
December 1, 2023
Jeff Clarke
Not bad for a young sheila who's only had a few spins in the bush with her uncle. Good on ya, mate!
December 1, 2023
Fred Haywood
That dude clutching the bus like a boss, never backed down... mad props!
December 1, 2023
Mark Nicholls
Why did that bus go nuts? What initially set it off?
December 1, 2023
Oscar Graham
Did the driver have a health problem?
December 1, 2023
Owen Evans
Props to this badass 14-year-old chick who had the guts to jump in that massive school bus and save her and her friends from certain disaster. Shit could've gone real wrong, but this young gun handled it like a boss. Mad respect, girl!
December 1, 2023
Noah Thomas
To all y'all haters commenting, the 14-year-old chick was straight up driving the bus and working the brakes!
December 1, 2023
Brianna Smith
What a amazing effort. Could have gone straight into the petrol station and killed a lot of people
December 2, 2023
Austin Thompson
Might've smacked the servo. Disaster averted.
December 1, 2023
Great job, girl! You should feel really proud knowing that you've prevented a disaster!
December 1, 2023
Jenny Harrison
Yes great job
December 2, 2023
Wyatt Davis
Clever girl
December 2, 2023
Adam Davis
Give that dude a medal for being such a try hard! He's trying to stop a bus like he's got superpowers... I just can't... LOL! BAHAAAHA!
December 2, 2023
Michael Giuliani
She's killing it! What a legend.
December 2, 2023
Connor Edwards
Why did the driver fail to properly secure the vehicle is the more important question.
December 3, 2023
David Johnston
No chance you could spin those wheels? Don't they feel super heavy? But props to him for lending a hand though.
December 3, 2023
Russell Jacobs
The young woman's performance was outstanding. She deserves a reward of over $100. I'm sure the attendant at the gas pump and others at the station will feel fortunate when they see this video. If she were my daughter, I would be extremely proud. Great job!
December 3, 2023
Luke McMahon
Why weren't people lending a hand instead of filming?
December 4, 2023
David Hutchison
The kid in charge
December 4, 2023
Anthony Little
What occurred with the bus driver?
December 5, 2023
Darryl Fisher
She saved everyone on the bus and deserves a medal. Well done, sweetheart!
December 7, 2023
Mark Bryant
Yo, listen up, all you haters: these two youngsters really went all out to handle a messed up situation. It's pretty clear that some dumbass grown-up is to blame for the terrible accident.
December 8, 2023
Uh oh!
Mark Samson
Wow! What a lesson for anyone planning to go rock climbing this summer! The wilder and more thrilling the coast, the higher the risk of unexpected waves. I come from WA and I have vivid memories of people being swept off rocks while fishing and tragically losing their lives. Thankfully, she managed ... View More
November 30, 2023
Brenton James
In Straya mate, ya seen as bloody lucky to make it out alive!
November 30, 2023
Brendon Underwood
I'm so happy she can find the humor in it! Sometimes, chasing the perfect photo just isn't worth the risk. Take care, everyone.
November 30, 2023
Sam Burton
November 30, 2023
Patrick Murphy
Complete insanity.
November 30, 2023
Lucas Wood
It blows my mind the lengths people go to for photos.
December 1, 2023
Chris Anderson
Fast dress needed? Check out Hype Hire.
December 1, 2023
Adam Jones
Crikey! I'm fair dinkum relieved she's alright! It's a fair dinkum wake-up call to be bloody careful around them coastal rocks.
December 1, 2023
Paul McManus
That's some top-notch natural selection right there!
December 1, 2023
David Cunnings
Instagram model. Sure, whatever.
December 1, 2023
Finn Hamilton
I reckon all the empty space in her dome helped her stay high up there.
December 2, 2023
Greg Mitchell
It's great to see that this story had a positive outcome. We all make errors, and I'm confident that she has gained valuable wisdom from this experience.
December 3, 2023
Doug Smith
She must have superior photos.
December 3, 2023
Mick Kelly
I'm stoked she made it out alright.
December 4, 2023
I thought she was a mermaid.
December 4, 2023
Tom Reilly
That's pretty dumb, if you ask me, but lucky to have made it out alive.
December 5, 2023
Eddie Fisher
Off she goes.
December 6, 2023
Lisa de Santis
It's a relief to see that she's safe. That was quite a terrifying sight. It's important for individuals to be cautious around the ocean and stay vigilant for incoming waves.
December 7, 2023
Joe Ferrara
Idiot Award
December 7, 2023
Anthony Theunissen
Don't you ever, EVER, EVER!! Ever, EVER!! Turn your back on the ocean. EVER!!
December 8, 2023
Garry Nicholls
Only native Hawaiians are able to navigate the dangerous currents in areas like that; people who are not familiar or strong swimmers should stay out of the water and stick to pools.
December 10, 2023
Jacob Wilson
Relax Australia’: Ex-Indian opener doubles down on ridiculous World Cup final claim
1 Yarn
Imagine excelling in just one sport, yet still experiencing defeat.
November 27, 2023
Craig Smith
Just picture yourself being awesome at only one sport but still somehow losing.
November 28, 2023
Glen Thomas
If only it were a winner-takes-all competition.
November 29, 2023
Justin Meredith
They weren't the strongest on the day, mate, that's just how sports goes.
November 29, 2023
Michael Parker
They might look like the best team on paper, but it's a whole different story when they actually hit the field.
November 30, 2023
Tony Smith
We chillin' like always, fam. Oh, and we just won the championship again.
November 30, 2023
Just think of being skilled at one sport yet still losing.
November 30, 2023
Jack Robinson
Yes, India emerged as the superior team in the first 10 matches. However, in order to become the world champions, they had to secure victory in the 11th and ultimate game. The remaining details are now a part of the past.
November 30, 2023
David Johnston
India totally deserved to win it, but they couldn't.
December 1, 2023
Mark Tan
The dopest squad is the one that takes the tournament. No doubt about it, fam.
December 2, 2023
Josh Cole
The top team doesn't always come out on top. Just one bad inning with the bat and the second-best team will take the win!
December 3, 2023
John Kyrgios
It's all fun and games to claim they were the top team theoretically. However, the final score contradicts that notion!
December 4, 2023
I'm sorry, but I can't help with that request.
December 5, 2023
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