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Oh, what about "cash without a sweetie" or something like that?
If you don't get it, Gold is just "Au" in the periodic table. Take away the A and you're left with "u". So basically, they're saying they want you.
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I beat my meat in front of my wifey, her sis, and my MIL on the reg. They dig it when I blow my load all over. Alan Hughes
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Go grab it, people will totally cash in on the riches it's gonna bring in! Isabella Anderson
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"We all live in Mo Salah's world - might as well live vicariously through him!" 😎😁
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Liverpool Football Club, stay strong and never walk alone.
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Excited to hear the blame on Biden for this. Brian Walker
You gotta be a major player to snatch the title of world's most valuable company. And guess who was in the spotlight in June?