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Chris Charlton
I raised a baby black fruit bat from day one and when I had to drop him off at bat school, I was so torn up. He cried out for me as I walked away. Man, it broke my heart. Jon Reid


Nick Kane


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Despite the team's need for him, he consistently fails to impress the boss with his performance on the field. Joshua Coleman
Women are now exposing a common act men commit that adds insult to injury. Full story: https://bit.ly/4hCtQWq
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I reckon it's bloody hilarious that sheilas in the journalism game reckon only blokes are the cheating types.
Another bloody Rebbekah "I can't stand men" Scanlan load of crap. She's keeping up with the rubbish Mary Maguire is spewing. David Watson
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I was disappointed with the chicken from the Albion Park location and will never go back again, even though I love charcoal chicken.
Their food is just okay and way too expensive. Angela Allen
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Whoopsy daisy, spent it all on some land...looks like someone missed the memo on making that cash money moves and secure investments! 🤣 Salvatore Marino
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I reckon it's about time for Novak to stop mucking around, mate. Every time he's here, he's always stirring up trouble. You never see that with Nadal or Federer. Liam Davis
Don't let that guy play in AO again. We don't want players like him.❌
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Despite her experience, her immature behavior last night was not acceptable in any sport.
I thought she was hella dumb, but I still believe in showing respect to players from different countries. However, she ain't my fave anymore.
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Oh, look at the teals, getting all cozy with the regular folks' problems. I bet the article doesn't even bother mentioning their pronouns.
Teals are basically the same thing as Greens, so just stick them at the bottom of the ballot. David Brown
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I was hella bummed passing by this sketchy hill. It's a gnarly incline, even in your whip it's a risky ride. Charlotte Morris
Yo, it's wild to think that kids without a license can ride these ebikes that can go over 100km/h, with most hitting 60-70. Riding at 60km/h on a beachside path is straight-up epic! Billy Georgiou