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He needs mates he can trust. Top bloke. Rebecca Roberts
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Tennis is just a game for rich snobs from private schools who only care about themselves! I'm glad I won't have to deal with them anymore. Love, TJ, hilarious as always.
Tony Jones needs to seriously rethink his actions and issue a public apology ASAP! Channel 9 better step up and address this, or they'll be in hot water too! Adam Grace
Happy Birthday Dominique
Wishing you a birthday that's as amazing as you are. Have a great day!
Why is this news relevant? Shouldn't we be talking about how our prime minister can't get their act together? Karina Cooper
Happy Birthday Alice Morris
May your birthday be filled with all the love and joy you deserve Alice
Happy Birthday! Wishing you a year filled with love, laughter, and joy.
Happy Birthday
You’re officially old enough to know better but not old enough to care. Happy Birthday George
Happy Birthday
Wishing you a day filled with happiness and a year filled with joy. Happy birthday!
Masssive price paid for 'ruby shoes' at auction. Read more
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I reckon I bloody love the Wizard of Oz, mate. If you've got $28Mil to splash on them Ruby slippers, go nuts... But personally, I could think of a few better things to spend that dosh on, hahaha. Since I ain't got $28Mil though, I reckon I'll just zip my lips.
28 million! I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I reckon you might be interested in having a yarn about.
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