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Karen Holloway

Karen Holloway

Female. Lives in Armidale, New South Wales, Australia. Born on August 19, 1971.
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News Update
Albo moves renter out
Mark Russell
Yo, as a baller living my best life, I'm throwing 5 stacks to the first 5 peeps who hit me up with 'TOUGH TIME' in my DMs. Spreadin' the wealth, stay blessed fam! Oh yeah.
May 17, 2024
Gavin Taylor
If this was any other landlord, it wouldn't even be worth talking about! Honestly, it's no big deal, probably happens all the time.
May 17, 2024
It's newsworthy because he is the PM, but it doesn't look good.
Brent Chapman
It seems like he had a good deal on rent, but now it's time to find a new place.
This dude is slick and just looking for fame, he's probably getting paid. Albo has the right to cash in.
Brendon Murphy
Albo is full of PR fails, man.
May 17, 2024
Karen Holloway
"Ha! In the middle of hawking the Budget, he's kicking out a tenant. You can't script this stuff!"
Duncan Brown
I wonder if there's more to this.
Anthony Powell
Albo ain't his landlord and he voted for his misfortune.
Steve Morgan
How's Albo treating you now that you voted for him?
May 17, 2024
Wyatt Moore
Sounds like the Sausage King and Queen might be splitting up and the Sausage King is struggling to pay the rent in a new place since he won't be getting a discount from Albo for selling the property.
Michael Taylor
Not really a fan of Albanese, but hey, at least he's got this tenant's back. Time to pack up and find a new place, no more complaining!
Glen Thomas
Albo is the boss of this place! He's told the tenant it's time to move on. He can sell it if he fancies. Just another day in the neighborhood! 😉
John Smith
Did you hear about the Slovakian PM getting shot? He's against all those letter groups like WEF and WHO.
Brendan Moore
Wow, yet another top-notch article from this awesome publication! These journalists never fail to impress me with their dedication to getting the juiciest stories. Kudos to them! Mr. Murdoch must be thrilled.
Alex Young
Fair dinkum, this PM is a dud.
Andy Curry
I can't stand Albo usually, but he's actually right this time. He's been cutting this dude a break for ages, but it's time to sell the property. Time to move on.
Albo is probably so mad about Souths having a crap year.
Him being PM doesn't even matter. He's totally allowed and he gave the tenant plenty of heads up.
Brett Chappell
He says he rented it below market rate, so he probably wasn't negatively gearing the property and worsening the housing crisis.
Allan Hunter
"I definitely wasn't trying to ambush the PM." Oi, you were! Should've talked to the bloke in charge instead of the gossipy press. Get outta here!
Graham White
I have conflicting feelings about exposing this. I supported Albo and his policies, but now he's just seeking attention.
May 17, 2024
Brenton Crawford
I can't stand Albo, but this freeloader needs to wake up. He can't just expect to not sell something because he wants to rent in a fancy area he can't afford.
The owner is selling a rental property due to getting married, but the tenant complains to the media, displaying infantile behavior and seeking undeserved sympathy. Good luck finding a new place to live.
Peter Murphy
Well, we won't be making that mistake again!
Come on, put your heart into getting your own place instead of complaining about getting kicked out. It's just part of the renting game!
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