Piper O’NeillPO
Juan TurnerJT

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Stephen Davies
He's a hottie, just a little thick. He's gotta be a sweetheart and treats her right. Jay Willis

Piper O’NeillPO
Piper O’Neill


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I had a feeling that was the situation when the reporter mentioned they didn't say if the shooter was a guy or a girl. David Brown
It's crazy how school shootings are like no big deal in America now, and it seems like no one is doing anything to fix it. I'm from South Africa and just saw it on the news. Can't believe a 15 year old would do that. We have our own crime problems back home, but this school shooting stuff just doesn... View More
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It's just for like 6 months until they figure out how to make it foolproof! 🤕
Does every resident in your town really bank with CBA, or was that just a calculation exercise?
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He can do whatever he bloody well wants. If the tables were turned, you lot would be cheering, "get it, queen!"
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Yeah, only he and his mother lived in a commission house, the only ones who ever did that. LOL.
Happy Birthday
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Happy Birthday to someone who makes the world a better place just by being in it.
Wishing you a day as special as you are. Happy Birthday! Josh Murray
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What happened to the days when news was just news and not all about wannabes? Andrew Dobbie
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Oh damn, that's wild and lit AF, so bold. Dorothy Wright
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I mean, come on, "under fire" is totally over the top. The supporters are basically crushing the haters by 10 to 1. The real target should be those easily offended by the little things. It's ridiculous that this blew up so much.
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The silly shika-bika-boom dance party! Brett Martin