Craig Thomas
Maria Wright
Happy Birthday

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David Smith
Wishing you a day as special as you are. Happy Birthday! Maria Wright

Tracey Miller
Happy Birthday. Hope all your birthday wishes come true!

Happy Birthday
Wishing you a day filled with happiness and a year filled with joy. Happy birthday!
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Should've bloody well put in those demands ten years ago! Adam Lauder
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There are so many other spots where they could have put this, but I really don't like living in Harris Crossing and I know most of my neighbors feel the same way!
If the house is owned but the land is rented, it could cause some issues if there is a disagreement between the landowner and house owner. Michael Pierce
The keeper was hidden by green camouflage. Paul Jones
Hundreds of ice dealers roam free meanwhile. Andrew Hipworth
Why can't we grow if the government can make millions?
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If you don't like our rules, laws, or how we live, then don't bother coming to our country. Bree Boyle
Mick Molley coming back to do breakfast radio in Melbourne. Full story: bit.ly/3O3fyBm
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I hope he won't come to the Sunshine Coast, can't stand him. Will switch stations if he does, as he's appalling. Sad to see one of our announcers leaving at Christmas, I won't listen to him. Anne Hodge