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Adrian's siblings and friend are similar to him. James Boyd
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Goodness gracious, could things move any slower?! They're setting a new record for worst government ever! 😤
Should have a bit of their super and pensions taken to start chipping away at the massive debt they've racked up from being completely useless and not giving a damn about anyone in Victoria.
Was hoping for Reggie to win. Read more
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Shoutout to everyone who voted for Sam! He's a total boss and nothing can throw him off. So proud of Sam and his charity work ❤️
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It's like when he was just trying to get attention by recording ghosts 👻📹 Maria Hall
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So Trump wasn't feeling the whole kindness and freedom vibes laid out in the constitution. It was like talking to a brick wall with their facial expressions.
Seems like the prez is about to drop a new executive order to redo the bible.
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It's really too bad because Nick could've been a big deal, but he's had a lot of personal and physical issues. The biggest problem though is that he's just not very mature. Even though he's almost 30, emotionally he's stuck at 16. Phil Grace
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So we're experiencing this rare early summer weather after centuries. But are we saying it's the earliest, hottest summer in 18 years or the other way around? 🌞🔥 Grace Wilson
Mate, back in the day growing up as a kid on the Central Coast of NSW, it was scorching hot, but we handled it without all this climate change nonsense. None of those alarmist nongs going on about global warming - it's just a cash grab these days. Elizabeth James
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Shoulda done it indoors. The rain gonna wreck that dope piece. Madelyn Ross