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Adam CameronAC
Adam Cameron
Will he participate in Uefa?

Nick Kane
Despite the team's need for him, he consistently fails to impress the boss with his performance on the field. Joshua Coleman


Mrs. Mary Thomas


Why are people so nasty. Read more https://bit.ly/40ASjol
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If I were in his shoes, I'd definitely check myself out in the mirror before throwing shade. Keep your chin up, Katie. He's not worth your time or your tears. 😘
I really hope Katie toughens up and tells that loser off. Don't hold back, let him have it where it hurts - his ego. Be honest and say, "I'm not really into you, but I'm open to giving this a shot. If you're not on board, don't waste my time."
What about them Ebstein files... oh damn, he's in there... Zoe Papadopoulos
Hilarious to see the little kid scribbling with a marker 😆 Anthony Jennings
Not the top dude at Surfers Beach, wasted and high, making a fool of himself on the sand.
He's just a wannabe and a relic of the past. Charlene Dalton
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I'm so bummed. They do this messy show every year and someone always ends up dead or injured. What's the deal?
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Oh, they're just out there doing their thing, no holds barred! 😏 Just like that wild yes vote mess. 🤪
And yo, why’s dude still out here hustlin’ and bustlin’ when everyone already got their minds made up on who they backing? Labor just need to chill out and let the people marinate on what another term with them would really be like. They’ve already dropped enough hints, no need to keep pushin’ it.
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These blokes are meant to be the top dogs Down Under, but the Sheilas would have knocked it out of the park! 🇦🇺🙌
Do we really need to kick out the team that totally aced the test championship and is now ruling the test championship table?
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Famous for only sippin' straight from sealed bottles, they ain't about those watered-down cocktails. They were frugal and didn't mess around.
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