Kirsty Fields
Angela Zerefos
Happy Birthday

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Alison ScottAS
Alison Scott
Happy Birthday Angela Zerefos

Brigid Hodgetts
Happy Birthday! Wishing you a year filled with love, laughter, and joy.

Happy Birthday
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Isn't he just going to be a money-saving hero if he keeps up with his strike? 😂 Glenn Fraser
Don't reckon you go there for the tucker. It ain't a hotel. Do the crime, cop the punishment.
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This is getting bloody embarrassing for Jacinta Allan now. Her ministers are all talking different crap. It's like they're all just trying to keep their own arses out of the firing line. 🤔
Let the elections begin! These dudes are way in over their heads, it's a total joke!
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It's not really the Sunshine Coast, it's up on the Fraser Coast, above Rainbow Beach in the Wide Bay area. Unless you're a realtor, of course! 🙂 Kate Wood
Not the top dude at Surfers Beach, wasted and high, making a fool of himself on the sand.
He's just a wannabe and a relic of the past. Charlene Dalton
Happy Birthday Andrew Jenkin
Happy Birthday. Have a super super day filled with lots of fun and alcohol
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Yo, that water be lookin' crisp and clean. Them fish spot us quick and bounce. Sometimes they mess up, like when we blend in with the seals at dusk, or when we're chummin' while spearin', or when the water's murky. But we ain't part of their meal plan.
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Happy Birthday Gregorio Vaccaro
Happy Birthday. Have a super super day filled with lots of fun and alcohol