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Kim Thompson

Kim Thompson

Female. Lives in South Perth, Western Australia, Australia. Born on March 2, 1986.
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Do you refuse to use 'self checkouts' if there is a cashier open?
Ethan Atkinson
I ain't feelin' those self checkout lanes, man. They always messin' up when I try to scan somethin' and there's hardly ever anyone around to help. And don't even get me started on havin' to wait for someone to check my ID just to buy a bottle of booze. I'd rather pay extra and go to a store with rea... View More
Gavin King
Nah mate, I'm not gonna use 'em either!
My poor shoulder can't handle the modern self-checkout conveyor belts at work, so I'm sticking to the old-fashioned ones to avoid any more damage!
I haven't read the article, but I'm pretty sure nobody got mad.
Martin Lewis
I'm not using those self-checkout machines, I'll just wait in line until I get served. The girl told me there were empty ones, but I just smiled and said I'm good waiting. 😊
Aiden James
I can't use those DIY checkouts cuz I'm kinda blind, but even if I could see, I'd still prefer chatting with a real person. I'm willing to wait in line just to have some human interaction.
May 7, 2024
Salvatore Giordano
I avoid using self-checkout to support job opportunities for future generations and believe stores should open more checkouts when needed. I insist on a traditional checkout being open, even if offered self-checkout, and leave without purchasing if one is not available.
Daniel Ramirez
I ain't doing self checkout, it's ridiculous. I'm tired of watching a supermarket worker just chill and not do much while we have to do their work for them.
May 7, 2024
Paul Wood
I agree and always prefer going to actual cashiers for service instead of using self-checkout.
Kyle Thomas
I tried to use them, but it's all a bit wonky and confusing. I'll just wait for a cashier or grab some stuff for the speedy checkout lane.
May 7, 2024
Clayton Jenkins
Don't use self checkouts, they're taking away jobs, mate! Be aware! Consider the old folks who need help and enjoy chatting with a cashier, it might be their only social outing! It's a shame to see Brisbane stores being mostly automated with just a couple of workers. Brisbane is a worry, people are ... View More
May 7, 2024
Eric Higgins
My Coles is always quick to open up a register just for me because I like to chat with the cashiers, not the self serve machines. They also treat me like a VIP at the service desk! ☺️
Charlie Kennett
Man, the prices of food have gone up like crazy and now they expect us to do the supermarket's work. Sorry, but I ain't no employee here!
Grant Wright
No worries mate, I'm fully behind it too x.
Brett Chappell
I am a customer and do not use self checkout because I do not work there.
I have constant pain and all that packing and unpacking stuff really wipes me out and leaves me feeling achy and exhausted when I finally crash on my bed.
Stuart Wise
I ain't gonna use 'em. I don't work there. Same thing happened at the bank. A teller said I could do everything at the ATM. I asked, "Don't you want a job?" She thought about it and said, "You're right."
Peter Orlando
I prefer manned checkout because I enjoy talking to a human.
Joe Garyson
Me neither
Graham White
I'm low key excited for someone to fake an injury at the self checkout just to cash in. Bet the company will switch back to regular checkouts real quick. And FYI, I never use self checkout, I ain't about that life.
Dom Green
An option for bagless scanning would save time for those who prefer loading groceries directly into their car.
May 7, 2024
A fascinating point!
If the regular checkout lines are packed with people buying tons of stuff, and I just need to grab a few things, I'll definitely use the self checkout. And hey, if we're doing all the work scanning our own items, the store should give us a discount, right? I'm all about supporting jobs, but come on,... View More
Mark Nicholls
All the Coles around me are now mostly self-checkout, which is a bummer because there are no quick lanes at my go-to store. I never really loved Coles anyway, but this just solidified it for me. I've also seen some Woolworths ditching their express lanes. Looks like I'll be sticking with the indepen... View More
Tim Burns
I can't stand doing things twice, so now I'd rather just pack my own bags since I don't have to deal with that anymore!
Terry Roberts
I prefer talking to the checkout girl over using self checkout for a better experience.
David Blake
I totally agree with her. Technology taking away more jobs sucks. And I ain't gonna use a card-only till, even if I'm paying with a card.
Victor Gonzalez
Let the grocery store foot the bill instead of you, so they can save some money and keep their employees on board.
Michael Thomson
I like using the self checkouts better.
Peter Lawrence
Using those DIY checkout lanes is gonna make a lot of workers lose their jobs.
Sean Cameron
Makes sense to me!! I can't do it either since I have a disability. If I wanted to scan items while shopping, I'd just apply for a job at the store and get paid for it!
Harry Eldridge
Maybe she should work as a cashier!
May 7, 2024
I choose to wait in line rather than using self checkout to support job security and opportunities for future generations.
May 7, 2024
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