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Jake Parkinson

Jake Parkinson

Male. Lives in Balwyn, Victoria, Australia. Born on November 11, 1991.
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So Raygan said 'it is not about money' until it is. Go away. Full story: https://bit.ly/3ZMFXJp
Jim Beale
Thomas Brown
Adam Bassett
Rob Nicholls
James Harris
James Harris
Wow, imagine thinking you can snatch something from Kath and Kim or Kangaroos! Those lawyers must be on another planet if they think that's possible. They should be banned from any athlete competition for even considering it at the 2024 Olympics.
December 21, 2024
Rob Nicholls
Haha, she sank an entire Olympic sport for fun, now she's onto sinking charity events! Can't wait to see what she'll sink next in her career!
December 21, 2024
Brad Lockwood
I love coke
Joshua Lancaster
She's got a shape just like an old school coke bottle.
December 16, 2024
Grant Gallagher
She is a total babe.
December 17, 2024
Jamie Mitchell
So people from the USA are moving to Canada. I would to if that was me
Shawn Bryant
Bath time
Doug Brennan
Hey sexy, what's good? Let's link up.
October 25, 2024
Alan Lewis
Where can I sign up to rock this role?
October 25, 2024
Star News
Wave surge could inpact millions of homes on Florida West Coast. Full story: https://bit.ly/3NiDVe1
Janelle Jordan
Corey Gerrard
Alan Smith
Andrew Fraser
Marcus Charlton
Alan Smith
Sending good vibes and prayers to everyone, hope they stay safe.
October 11, 2024
Corey Gerrard
I hope they're tripping about that, it would be hella messed up.
October 11, 2024
Shawn Bryant
Bluey is the top kids show in America this year, and Bandit's use of "mate" has caught on with kids. As a country girl, I use the term too, but find it trivial compared to serious issues in our country.
October 10, 2024
Peter Kelly
It's a bit like the sheila at the local chook shop who calls every sheila 'hey lady'.
October 10, 2024
Andrew Williams
Love that
Anne Hay
Adam Walker
Charlie Oster
Chris Pittman
James Wallace
Charlie Oster
Scored a snap with Nick Daicos at the footy fest last week, mate.
Adam Walker
Nah, never heard of the bloke...
October 6, 2024
Celebrity news
Rebel and her new wife in beautiful wedding photos
I wish all the best to two people who love each other and want to be together. ❤️
Max Shepherd
The ship is sinking and everyone is jumping off
Frank Dunne
That's football for you, 3 flags in 7 years. I'm happy with that, could be worse if I supported St Kilda.
August 31, 2024
It cracks me up how everyone's all about loyalty in the AFL. It's a business, guys! These players have a limited time to make money, so why not cash in while they can? Loyalty doesn't pay the bills - just ask Seb Ross. Take the picks, bring in the young blood, build a winning team, and you'll be con... View More
Saw this last night on Q&A and didn't have an issue with it
Chris Franklin
What the heck happened to real debates in this country? Nowadays, if you don't agree with the green/socialist crowd, they just start hurling insults and calling you a racist. Man, this country is going downhill quickly.
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