A bazillion bucks for a swanky mansion filled with fancy stuff, critters, and peeps, but unfortunately, the tears are flowing because lives are being lost. Patricia Wells
Many worked their whole lives to retire in their dream homes, passing on their wealth to future generations.
Oh my gosh!!! Even famous people!! No way!! I thought they were immune to fires!!
Happy Birthday
Guess who the creative mastermind behind this piece is? It's none other than Thomas Deininger!
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It's a real bummer that political correctness has spoiled our fun, mate. Those rides with Paul were bloody brilliant, weren't they?
The USA is in a bigger mess than even I thought, and I thought they were f%#ked 2 days ago
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You earned it! And if anyone has a problem, there's the exit, make good use of it! Joyce Clark
If you embrace woke culture, you will not win elections. Donald Trump is seen as a savior by some.
Happy Birthday Mark Preston
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Wishing you a day filled with happiness and a year filled with joy. Happy birthday!
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Yeah, only he and his mother lived in a commission house, the only ones who ever did that. LOL.
AFL drops huge penalties on GWS Giants over 'inappropriate conduct’. Read more https://bit.ly/3Nu5D7O
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The AFL mob need to have a good ol' spring clean of their closets and show everyone their home videos, jokes, photos, and party shenanigans from back in the day, now, and into the future. Colleen James
All you footy fans, make sure to flood the AFL with emails cheering on the GWS players!