Surely no one really spends $30 on 1 strewberry. Just stupid Tiktok people. Full story:

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Andrew McMullinAM
Andrew McMullin
I'll give it a shot and cross my fingers for some serious tastiness, but seriously, it better be bursting with ripeness!

Rod Fielding
It's not just the strawberry... It's influencer stuff, so it's worth the money.

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That's just not cool, they gotta be fired and have some strict rules. Dude could've been saved but they acted like it wasn't a big deal even though all the signs were right there. How are they even supposed to be trained if they ignore obvious signs like that? It's messed up, someone should sue for ... View More
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Are you serious? We should not be scaring people. Debra Foster
Happy Birthday Saniya Reilly
So Raygan said 'it is not about money' until it is. Go away. Full story:
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Haha, she sank an entire Olympic sport for fun, now she's onto sinking charity events! Can't wait to see what she'll sink next in her career! Steve Gerovich
People forgiving her for failing because she's nice should reconsider what "nice" truly means. Eric Galloway
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Always slaying no matter how many shifts nature throws our way. We all level up as we get older - time to ditch perfection and celebrate our individual awesomeness ❤️ Rebecca Walsh
Psh, don't mind them. They're just haters or totally clueless. She's a total babe. She's always been a babe and I've always loved watching her on Getaway.
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Mates, this is what happens when it's a quiet news day. Latasha Sanchez
There's some mom out there making her kid film her OnlyFans content in a, seriously, get a clue.
Pete Evans goes all out Bohemian. Full story:
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He's rocking it, loving life and giving a big high five to the anti vax crusade! John Robinson
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