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Jimmy LeeJL
Jimmy Lee
Supermarkets only struggle if people stop purchasing items. Neil Davis


Brock Clifford
Nope, I'm getting it from different places now... Woolies and Coles have the exclusive rights to sell it.


Richard Bailey


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It's lit to use, but no home or lab thermometer has that many mercury. Karina Cooper
Happy Birthday Sebastian
Happy Birthday. Have a super super day filled with lots of fun and alcohol
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She hasn't scored a win yet when it comes to winning over a fair dinkum fan base who reckon she's as talented as she reckons she is. Gregory Torres
She didn't have the last laugh, I laughed at her routine again.
I have heard crazy before but making Canada the 51st state takes the cake. Details: http://spr.ly/6187QFm7b
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Is it cos of his rap sheet that he can't visit Canada? Elise Carmen
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I'm so over this shit, especially 'sorry day'. Like, do we really gotta keep repeating it over and over? My Irish Catholic ancestors got screwed over by the Brits - mass was banned and Catholics couldn't even have a damn horse. I only found out about this when I went to Ireland with a Catholic tour ... View More
Don't count on the AFL hearing you out, they march to the beat of their own drum! Amy Ryan
I see that the Bali Nine are home in Australia. Really 50/50 on this. Read more https://bit.ly/4iCxEbC
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I'm stoked that they're back, but I ain't gonna excuse their actions. No one's making them do heroin. And let's not forget that the cleric behind the Bali bombings got off easy in jail after causing so much destruction. And what happened to all that confiscated heroin? It's all just a bunch of doubl... View More
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Money is always chattering away... about to ruin the fun of football, stupid FIFA! Adam Taylor
This is a none story. They are no related at all. Read more https://bit.ly/3OvulVL
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Some folks stay thirsty for the spotlight. Others stay busy hating on everyone else. Then there's social media, where they all collide. And someone's getting paid for all that drama.
They're good, they've got each other and they're getting all the attention on the internet. Angela Griffin