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Adrian's siblings and friend are similar to him. James Boyd
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Now we have a bunch of fabulous ladies who have finished the baby-making phase and are flying solo, without kids, and apparently not feeling too jolly about it. Jan-Maree Partridge
Or maybe things changed and the idea of a one-income family owning stuff became a joke, and suddenly everyone needed to work to survive. In the 50s, it was easy for a family with a couple of kids to own a house on one salary, but that's impossible now. The idea of traditional family values and women... View More
Sam Kerr making headlines off the pitch. Full story:
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It's bloody amazing I've never heard in any article about her brother Daniel Kerr also getting done for a taxi driver incident many years ago, lots of run-ins with the coppers for assault, just like their old man. It's all in the family. They've got a massive attitude problem that keeps landing them... View More
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The Netanyahu government has destroyed their homes and neighborhood, now Trump is proposing the ethnic cleansing of their land - very tragic.
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It's lit to use, but no home or lab thermometer has that many mercury. Karina Cooper
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Blame it on Labor and the PM for Aussies struggling and being broke! Jodie Pratt
OMG, the LNP totally messed up our economy, now the Labour just took over with a ton of debt.
Cat scratch kills Russian man. Full story:
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I reckon he wouldn't do that unless he was fair dinkum trying to scoff it.
I ended up in the hospital with an IV, getting my arm cleaned out after my cat chomped on me. Turns out, a cat bite can be just as gnarly as a snake bite. Brad Schutz
Apologies for reaching out like this, but I've been keeping a diary and want to share it with you.
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Where's my cash from the last 29 years at? Let's break it down, I should've been getting paid since I was 15, that's like 14 years of missed checks.