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John BurtonJB
John Burton
She's so stuck up, pushy, and not my cup of tea. If I were a dude, I'd steer clear of telling her straight up what I really think of her too 😱 But I hope someone else would!!

Danny MaherDM
Danny Maher
He tried to kick her to the curb because she's all about that hustle and bustle, he wants someone laid-back and easy to vibe with but she ain't it. Brooke O'Rourke


Teresa Wilson


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This is bad and getting worse by the sounds of it. Full story: https://bit.ly/4adrc73
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Mate, us Aussies get bushfires. It's bloody awful, but it ain't gonna make the front page here. Paula Jones
So the bloke who snapped the pic was a firie, yeah? Did they chuck a U-ey and bail straight after, mate?
Happy Birthday Joe
Wishing you lots of joy, laughter and unforgettable moments as you celebrate another birthday!🎁🎉
The Don was one of the most famous Australia's of all time. Read more https://bit.ly/3BHzxDm
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He's definitely one of the sickest cricketers 🌹 Catherine Smart
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to someone who makes the world a better place just by being in it.
The Giants’ AFLW team has gone nuclear of the boys. Read more https://bit.ly/3YrQtGv
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AFLW is carrying on with their statement, but their cat factor is absolute zero. They need to sort themselves out and remember they're here to play footy, not make a fuss.
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All we need to know is that he couldn't hit the side of a barn. Craig Williams
Alright, mate, the Republicans reckon that when there's a school shooting, we just gotta cop it and their solution is to arm everyone with more guns to tackle the dodgy ones. But now we've got heaps of trigger-happy folks running around with no one checking if they're right in the head or have a dod... View More
What the hell is going on here. I just don't get it
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When I reckon about all the years of agony, hardship and torment the poor bear has copped from that trainer, I'm actually gutted that the bear only pinned him down and didn't crook him. Phyllis Smith