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I think using bear spray is way more effective than an air horn for waking someone up.
What kind of post is this? Haha Belinda Anderson
Hold up, you're NOT supposed to do that? Damn, I'll be right back.
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If we use our strongest players, it won't happen because half of the team are only good enough for reserve grade. Adam Taylor
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I think Tony shouldn't be fired. He said sorry, so let's just move on! Novak isn't perfect, but he's one of the best tennis players ever. He chose not to get vaccinated a while back, and that's his choice! People need to chill and get over their jealousy of successful people! Brandon McKenzie
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Sam ain't quite there yet for the big leagues, but ease him in slowly. Test cricket ain't about showboating, you gotta focus and work hard. Maybe in one day cricket he can show off a bit, but he'll get exposed soon enough. Don't get me wrong, he's talented, just take it easy with him.
This is a silly idea. Let the young dude play! Let all the young dudes play!! Gotta keep moving forward now.
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That guy's got the look of someone who's been through some serious stuff, let me tell you!
When ordering a Big Mac and small fries, they may ask if you want a drink as well. Jillian Brown
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This is starting to sound repetitive, I'm tired of the orange again.
He can try, but the constitution is unchangeable, let's see if he can succeed.
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St John's is hogging all the action when it comes to Ambulances, making Base hospital's job even harder. That's why there's so much ramping going on!
Twenty four beds is basically nothing. It's like a tiny hospital ward. Christopher Phillips