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John BurtonJB
John Burton
She's so stuck up, pushy, and not my cup of tea. If I were a dude, I'd steer clear of telling her straight up what I really think of her too 😱 But I hope someone else would!!

Danny MaherDM
Danny Maher
He tried to kick her to the curb because she's all about that hustle and bustle, he wants someone laid-back and easy to vibe with but she ain't it. Brooke O'Rourke


Teresa Wilson


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Now we have a bunch of fabulous ladies who have finished the baby-making phase and are flying solo, without kids, and apparently not feeling too jolly about it. Jan-Maree Partridge
Or maybe things changed and the idea of a one-income family owning stuff became a joke, and suddenly everyone needed to work to survive. In the 50s, it was easy for a family with a couple of kids to own a house on one salary, but that's impossible now. The idea of traditional family values and women... View More
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Another instance of "fancy for the wealthy, but tacky for the broke"! Benjamin Jones
Can you give those kiddos a boost? That's the deal. No one minds how many munchkins you got, as long as Uncle Sam ain't footing the bill.
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I'm like 99% positive those are just actors... and not even good ones at that. If it's for real, then the producers are totally dropping the ball because she's seriously losing it.
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And they totally cracked up at those conspiracy theorists who insisted that the elites are attempting to lower the intelligence of society haha
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It was a big shoutout to the people for kicking out the trashiest government in American history. Adam Wright
So, the stars on the Jewish peoples arms were just the Nazis' way of showing how much they adored them, am I right?
In all honesty, I am no longer interested in buying a Tesla as the future is in hydrogen and hybrid technology.
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Not all social media stories are true, there are always two sides and only those involved know the truth. It's not anyone else's concern.
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Hammers star is high speed car crash. Read more https://bit.ly/4gpYUYO
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Thankfully, no one else was injured when a muppet crashed a car they couldn't handle while speeding. Anna Miller
Never bloody drive a car that you can't handle, mate! Nick Gotsis
Happy Birthday
Wishing you a day as special as you are. Happy Birthday! Will Brown