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Christie Thompson

Female. Lives in Surrey Hills, Victoria, Australia. Born on July 5, 1982.
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A donation is a donation right ?!?!?
Zachary Edwards
The organizations should no longer be referred to as "Charities" because their pricing on clothing indicates that they function more like businesses. In a town where there are numerous homeless and individuals facing financial difficulties, there is a greater need for donations of furniture and clot... View More
December 31, 2023
Eddie Hubbard
All charitable organizations engage in this activity.
December 31, 2023
I ceased donating to Vinnies a while ago! Now, I donate to my local Salvos and they appreciate it. However, I only give items that are clean, neatly folded, and sorted into different bags according to their size and category, such as sheets, blankets, clothes, shoes, etc.
January 1, 2024
Will McLachlan
I've seen lots of people who "volunteer" and damn, they dress so fancy and rockin' designer bags... shout out to Vinnies!
Brett Smith
The floor receives items that volunteers and paid staff don't want or that offer better bonuses.
Brendan Moore
I gave away a queen size bed and almost new, clean mattress on Marketplace, and a nice couple quickly took it. Some people say that these charities only accept items that they can sell for a high price.
January 1, 2024
Arthur Ross
I'm not gonna support or buy from those big charity chains, they're all about making money. The poor can't afford that.
January 2, 2024
Jimmy Stewart
When I toss clothes, they're basically not good enough to sell anymore. So, I suppose if some people are throwing away nearly new clothes, they're not struggling as much as portrayed on social media.
Adam Meek
Discover additional nearby charities in your region, including shelters dedicated to women or men. These organizations typically depend solely on donations and will accept items that are clean and free from stains. Large charities nowadays operate with profit in mind due to their significant expense... View More
Adam Garnett
All of the charities, including Vinnies, have rejected good items from me. I donate clothes to bins but leave the rest for council cleanup.
Alan Taylor
All charities have been doing this for a long time now.
January 2, 2024
Kieran Cousins
There is no problem, they simply aim to maximize profits for their community programs and inspect bags immediately due to the constant need to dispose of unusable items dumped on them.
Paul Donaldson
Vinnies has become quite pricey these days, but you can now score a new jumper at Lowe's for half the price. Back in the day, going to Vinnies was always exciting to find great deals, but it's not the same anymore.
Daniel Joyce
It's fascinating to see how much these stores discard.
Chris Anderson
The high prices and preferential treatment for staff make it truly unfortunate.
Yeah, it's going down.
Zachary Young
They selectively choose, not only Vinnies.
January 3, 2024
Jason Brookes
They've been doing this for ages.
Austin Thompson
Unfortunately, occasionally we receive donations that are unsuitable due to being damaged or filthy. While working at an op shop, I noticed some people used it as a means to dispose of their rubbish, such as dirty nappies and filthy underwear. Despite this, I continue to donate good quality items th... View More
I would have just snagged it and donated it elsewhere.
Brett Collins
All charities are picky about what furniture they take because they gotta follow health and safety rules, ya know?
Jason Morton
Many people rush to judge, and I believe many people see charities as a place to unload unwanted items, possibly due to external pressures.
Chris Williams-Moore
I participate in a fun-filled activity - volunteering at an Op shop. Our role involves sorting through donations, some of which are in poor condition or dirty. However, we make an effort to clean and repair items that can be salvaged. Additionally, we repurpose non-wearable clothing by turning them ... View More
Adam Atwood
I wouldn't let my dog sleep on dirty, stained, and ripped donations; throw them out instead of donating them.
Andrew Richardson
I once strolled into a quirky second-hand shop to browse, and I couldn't believe the prices resembled those in a trendy boutique. Additionally, the nearby clothing donation bins were overflowing, so the act of selectivity by the shopkeepers doesn't astonish me.
Andrew Cook
The chick from Brisbane is spot on about Vinnies, ya know? They totally have a way of cherry-pickin'. They could snatch those goods and give ’em to the homeless, no doubt.
Adam Martini
Yesterday, I dropped off some bags of donations. While assisting the Salvos employee in bringing them inside, he randomly grabbed another donation from their bin. He muttered to himself and wondered aloud, "Who donates multiple single shoes?" Nowadays, people treat thrift stores like garbage dumps. ... View More
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