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Derek Mott
I've been rocking out for 47 years and have grooved to countless bands from every corner of the globe. But let me tell you, Green Day and Bruce Springsteen are hands down the ultimate live performers in my book!

Josh Mitchell
They are awesome in concert. I'm an old dude and have seen a ton of amazing bands live, but they are definitely one of the best, especially when it comes to getting everyone hyped up and involved. Last night was no different.


Isaac Jones


Happy Birthday Andrew
Wishing you a day as special as you are. Happy Birthday! Andrew Watson
Happy birthday to my favorite coffee buddy and bestie ☕👫🎂
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She'll point the finger at the taxi driver and the cops, but never take the blame herself! Christine Ellison
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What's the deal with next gen? Both of 'em are PS4, yo. Doris Edwards
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She was a fabulous lady, always stirring things up with her bold and fun-loving spirit. Rest in peace, Janice ❤️
What do you make of this people????? Full story: https://bit.ly/40H5QvV
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I reckon it's bonza seeing how Elon gets up the nongs of these loopy lefties with all his antics.
Happy Birthday Sebastian
Happy Birthday. Have a super super day filled with lots of fun and alcohol
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In Darwin, most of us have white roofs and I noticed right away how much cooler it was inside when ours got changed to white.
Man, that shit looks hella stylish. All black everything, houses crammed together, no trees or parks, and the streets are always packed with crap instead of cars because the garages are full. This city planning is a disaster - no wonder it gets so damn hot! Mikayla Thomas
Everyone is using the garage as a rec room because they lack a backyard.
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Chuck him in the slammer already, he's gone full fruit loop, not that he wasn't already.
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Oh snap. I'm gonna rock my blue mask in the whip when I'm solo. That should keep me chill.