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He's got a bloody strong opinion about someone he reckons he never bloody listens to. Maybe it's time for the old bloke to go back to playing with lego. Ralph Washington
He's cool chatting with his guests, no judging or pushing his opinions on us.
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Why couldn't they give Thorpe the boot after her little stunt with the King? Chad Simpson
Happy Birthday Jackson Granville
Here's wishing you a birthday filled with love, laughter, and lots of cake!
Wishing you lots of joy, laughter and unforgettable moments as you celebrate another birthday!🎁🎉
In this day and age how does a ship of this size go down. Crazy Read more
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I reckon the black box will spill the beans, just guesswork until then. Maddi Smith
Isn't it a rule that the captain goes down with the ship?