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She's out on Strike 3, enough is enough. Teresa Edwards
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I blocked him gracefully before, but now I want to express my anger and hurt. He used me, cheated on me, and married someone else. I feel worthless and want to hurt his ego by telling him I found someone better. Anne Marie McDermott
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Yeah, only he and his mother lived in a commission house, the only ones who ever did that. LOL.
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B. All the glasses have the same amount of water, so the level stays constant. How much water is in each glass depends on how much space the objects inside take up. Since the paper clip is the smallest, it pushes the least water out of the way. So, the right choice is B. Renee Chamberlain
Wave surge could inpact millions of homes on Florida West Coast. Full story:
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Sending good vibes and prayers to everyone, hope they stay safe.
I hope they're tripping about that, it would be hella messed up.
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This is some straight up Streisand effect shit. The more secrets, the more I gotta find out! It's just human nature, man.
Everybody had to ditch their phones at the door before coming in.
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Who's the wanker in a stoush with no bloody victor... That's bloody well the gist of these pollie debates (especially election chinwags). Let's be real, no one's getting their bloody opinion changed by these yarns.
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I mean, come on, "under fire" is totally over the top. The supporters are basically crushing the haters by 10 to 1. The real target should be those easily offended by the little things. It's ridiculous that this blew up so much.