Kirsty Fields
Angela Zerefos
Happy Birthday

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Alison ScottAS
Alison Scott
Happy Birthday Angela Zerefos

Brigid Hodgetts
Happy Birthday! Wishing you a year filled with love, laughter, and joy.

Not the top dude at Surfers Beach, wasted and high, making a fool of himself on the sand.
He's just a wannabe and a relic of the past. Charlene Dalton
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Sorry, I'm not looking to be part of a 3-for-1 deal with guys and a girl!
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Hopefully Chanel nine never speaks highly of those two again, as they are unworthy and hateful. Andrew Mooney
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"You've got a massive shark though, lol" Ashley Brown
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Yo, the body of the plane had mad shrapnel damage. It got lit up and taken down. Adam Spencer
You did a good job getting this story out so quickly! It's not even a week old yet. Must be that Christmas bonus at work, haha!
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I rock Everyday Extra and Everyday Mobile, never had a hiccup! No flashy ads, just been loyal for years.
Spend 2 grand at Woolies, only score 10 bucks back. No cap, it ain't even worth the hassle to swipe that card. Alana Turner
Gary Lineker to finish as 'Match of the Day' host at season end? Read more https://bit.ly/4hOuOjA
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The dude who sits behind me at the Molineux is legit. He's a total football guru, always dropping knowledge and giving his two cents during every game. Adam McDonald
I've heard they're considering Noel Edmonds for the role.
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Send all of them as we have won 3 out of our last 5 games there.
So a club is gonna cop some cash from a third party and as a result, their chances of winning a match are gonna be decreased.
Full story: https://bit.ly/4gRGdhI
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They gotta keep stirring up dramas to get people to tune in. It's a fair dinkum distance from being a Reno show. Kylie Lewis