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Amanda Campbell

Amanda Campbell

Female. Lives in Balmain, New South Wales, Australia. Born on August 5, 1972.
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Wayne Howard
Just not fucking funny Jimmy
3 Yarn
Andrew Jenkin
I can't believe what I just heard
March 12, 2024
Adam Thompson
She didn't love Jimmy, lol.
Anthony Bennett
I learned early on that if you attend a comedy show, you better be ready to be the butt of a joke!
It's not too terrible... but everyone just thinks they have the right to get all offended and expect everyone else to listen to them.
Andrew McVeigh
If you go see Jimmy Carr, you know what to expect.
March 12, 2024
Thomas Brown
Jimmy Carr, a true legend.
Adam Grace
Is this her Jimmy Carr popping cherry?
March 12, 2024
Chris Georganas
Her issue is that she believes comedy is a dope way to make positive changes, but Jimmy went and used it to bash on people struggling. It's always been that way and still is. It just disses on everything and everyone.
March 12, 2024
Amanda Campbell
I had the same idea... She totally doesn't get Jimmy!
James Sullivan
I'm so excited to check out the piece!
Brett Hunter
If we can't poke fun and make jokes, then we're just living in a world without humor! And that's no fun at all, it's like living in a weird 1984 reality. -John Cleese
Jake McDonald
I reckon Jimmy Carr's humour is a ripper. If ya don't like it, then just don't rock up to his gigs. Fair dinkum.
Josh Stewart
That's how he stays relevant and it always does the trick.
Connor Franklin
Jimmy Carr is just Jimmy Carr. If you go see him, you already know what to expect, especially if you're in the front row. As a deaf person, I'm sure you've heard it all before.
Peter Williamson
She was surprised by the comedian's dark humour, but loved it anyway.
Sebastian Lee
Jimmy Carr is always teetering on the edge, so I can't believe this front-row audience member was surprised by anything he said!
Frank Griffiths
Sitting in the front row at a Jimmy Carr show increases the likelihood of his jokes being directed at you.
Andrew O'Keeffe
Hey, if you can't take a joke, don't bother going to comedy shows. That joke was so funny! Just chill out and have a laugh. 😂😂
Greg Talbot
Jimmy Carr is a total boss!
Paul Jones
Getting front row tickets for Jimmy Carr and then complaining when he roasts you. 😂
March 12, 2024
Tony Lombardi
Hey, lighten up! Jimmy's just kidding around, don't take it so seriously. If you don't find his humor funny, that's okay - just remember that he's just trying to make you laugh.
Picture rockin' up to a Jimmy Carr show and thinking it's gonna be all polite and proper, mate. Nah, he'll roast anyone and everyone!
Bryce Thomas
He's always pushing the line with his jokes. If you're going to his show, don't expect any cheesy dad jokes or knock-knock jokes. Don't go see him if you don't like that kind of comedy and then complain that it was exactly what you expected.
Brendan Wade
Just saying! If you're familiar with Jimmy Carr's comedy, you totally saw this coming, right? It's all part of the fun when you buy that ticket.
She must have never heard him before.
March 12, 2024
Front row tickets to a Jimmy Carr show mean you should expect the unexpected - he thrives on heckling and no one is safe when he's on stage. This person was probably just waiting to share his outrageous humor on social media.
Stuart Clark
Caught up with him last year. Absolutely bonkers and bloody funny! You rock up to a Jimmy Carr show fully aware that he'll take the piss out of anything and everything! Adore him and keen as a bean to catch him again!
Chase Hill
I peeped Jimmy and he DGAF, and neither do I but I busted a gut reading this.
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