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She'll point the finger at the taxi driver and the cops, but never take the blame herself! Christine Ellison
The tennis great has been praised for sharing some truly harrowing details. Full story:
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That guy was a total jerk for making Jelena do all the crappy stuff and then leaving her to deal with the media. And the way he treated her was just awful, both mentally and physically. He's not a man, he's just a bully.
All I gotta say is she hot, a total badass on the field, and her crew be hyping her up. She already shut all the haters up, so quit with the trash talking.
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If those who voted for him and are now getting kicked out don't have their votes counted, then he didn't really win! His win is totally unvalid, dude!
He's definitely not gonna pull that off! I mean, c'mon, Obama practically had a 3rd round in office the past 4 years. Let's be real, Biden was never really calling the shots. Debra Smith
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Are y'all this annoying when folks in Florida or the Midwest get their homes wrecked by hurricanes or tornadoes? Like, they knew the risks of living there and most don't even have a plan to protect their property from Mother Nature's wrath. Maybe next time a big storm hits, we should just sit back, ... View More
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It's really too bad because Nick could've been a big deal, but he's had a lot of personal and physical issues. The biggest problem though is that he's just not very mature. Even though he's almost 30, emotionally he's stuck at 16. Phil Grace
Oh my gosh! I have a friend who always says “shut off lights” instead of “turn off”. It’s like they’re the only person in the world who uses that phrase. Maybe they’re just really creative, or maybe they’re a time traveler from another era! Johnny Watts
Back in the day, houses used gas to light up instead of electricity. When people talked about shutting off, closing, or putting out the lights, they were actually talking about turning the gas valve to turn off the flame. Turning off the lights was a thing because old switches required you to twist ... View More
Happy Birthday
Wishing you a day as special as you are. Happy Birthday! Will Brown