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Ben Allen

Ben Allen

Male. Lives in Mount Waverley , Victoria, Australia. Born on December 7, 1976.
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Well a tattoo is for life so suck it up
Mark Starcevich
It's like, I get it, man. Between 18 and 21, a lot can happen, ya know? It's like stepping into a whole new world outside of where you grew up, and you start discovering new interests and stuff. Maybe a fair compromise would be waiting till you're older for neck, hand, or face tattoos. But, from wha... View More
December 5, 2023
Mark Bishop
I haven't regretted any of my choices, including getting piercings. If you actually think things through before doing them, it's unlikely you'll regret them later. Even if it doesn't fit your current lifestyle, you'll still have no regrets.
December 5, 2023
Beau Elwood
Wow, that gives me such a thrill!
December 6, 2023
Ben Allen
Choose wisely!
December 7, 2023
Aaron Burfurd
I have no problem with people having tattoos, but it's just not my cup of tea! Personally, I'm not a fan of it.
December 8, 2023
Andy Colenso
I concur. Must be 18. Being an adult is necessary to make decisions that have lasting impact on oneself.
December 8, 2023
Darryl Mason
Got me tatts when I was 18. Zero regrets. It all comes down to personal maturity and motives, mate. Had plenty of mates telling me not to go for it, but I always advise youngins to think long-term. If you're gonna ink up, gotta be absolutely certain you'd still be cool with it 10, 20, 30 years down ... View More
December 8, 2023
Jamie Anderson
I couldn't prevent my boys from getting tattoos at 18, but I encouraged them to research, plan, and choose something meaningful so they wouldn't regret it. After thinking it over for more than a year, their tattoos turned out beautiful.
December 8, 2023
Simon Blake
The entitlement attitude is partly to blame for her problem and it is unfair for one person's bad decisions to affect everyone.
December 10, 2023
Peter O'Donnell
That's quite amusing.
December 10, 2023
Tom Nicholson
I've got 7 of them myself and I don't regret any of them. No one made me get them.
December 11, 2023
Mick Smith
Waited till I turned 30 before getting my first tattoo. I've got quite a few now and don't regret any. I reckon it's a smart move to hold off. Circumstances can change.
December 11, 2023
I received my initial tattoo when I was 18, which consisted of angel wings to honor my deceased friend. I have no regrets about it, even now at 32. Although many people believe that 18-year-olds often make unwise decisions and later regret them, it would be unfair to increase the age requirement for... View More
December 13, 2023
Andrew Chapman
I got inked right before I hit 30, on the day my kid went up to the big man upstairs. It's some bad-ass angel wings. Fast forward to 46, and I've got two more tats that mean something deep. Nothin' but love for my ink game.
December 14, 2023
Joshua Brown
Advocating for restricting individuals' freedom of choice on matters that solely pertain to themselves, even if it might potentially harm them, indicates a lack of personal growth since obtaining those tattoos. Whether one chooses a tattoo they adore and can happily live with in the long run, or one... View More
December 15, 2023
Debbie Raymond
Be the first person to Yep this. More Yucks needed to remove this
Sarah Watson
Be the first person to Yep this. More Yucks needed to remove this
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