Basically ripped off the Boston Dynamics robot and slapped a stretcher on it. Kylie Muller
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So we're straight up eating our rivals in first class to roll with a format we ain't even willing to make proper grounds for... Alison Norman
It's embarrassing that professional players had to play on such a disgraceful mess, like if a cow paddock was delivered to Perth Stadium. Kelly Brooks
Why is this news relevant? Shouldn't we be talking about how our prime minister can't get their act together? Karina Cooper
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I have heard crazy before but making Canada the 51st state takes the cake. Details:
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Is it cos of his rap sheet that he can't visit Canada? Elise Carmen
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Friendly reminder to all bosses: Don't bother running a business if you're not gonna cough up a fair dinkum wage for your workers. Anthea Howe
Happy Birthday
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I always thought politicians had to be top notch, but she's more like a flop! She should be helping us, not just doing her own thing. She's a total letdown for everyone involved.