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Kate Johnston

Kate Johnston

Female. Lives in Sunshine, Victoria, Australia. Born on November 20, 2000.
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Kate Johnston
Australian swimming champion Libby Trickett’s truth bomb on parents
Alex Bramley
There are a few mentally unstable parents attending children's sports events, making it difficult to be around and causing distress for the kids. Soccer, in particular, tends to have a high incidence of this behavior.
December 19, 2023
Anthony Riva
To be fair, if some folks' oldies had grilled me for freaking out and having anxiety attacks whenever a speedy bowler came my way on the cricket field, my life could've turned out different. Maybe I wouldn't need all these meds anymore. But hey, you win some, you lose some.
December 20, 2023
Why the Labour party done gone and cancelled the Commonwealth Games? They don't give a damn 'bout the kids' wellbeing. Maybe she should be whispering something in them crime gangs' ears 'bout this, or maybe she a part of 'em too.
December 20, 2023
Chris Harvey
Awesome feeling
December 21, 2023
Isaac Moore
If my dad had shown up and supported me, I would have been a better person. Sadly, he never did and still isn't interested in me at 42. I would have preferred him to cheer me on or feel disappointed rather than not show up at all. It's just my perspective.
December 22, 2023
Andrew Beatey
Libby, thank you for reminding parents to keep quiet on the sidelines and let their kids pursue their own passions.
December 22, 2023
Jason Edwards
You nailed it, Libby! But seriously, this whole thing with parents thinking their kid should dominate every game and always be the star player has been going on forever. Like, come on, there has to be room for others to shine too!
December 22, 2023
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