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Dan Smith
Elon Musk is incredible 🤩👍🏾

Curtis SharpCS
Curtis Sharp
'Cause Musk is the prez


Jessica Roberts


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Sure, what he did was definitely not cool, but let's give him props for actually owning up to it. It's crazy how some people are quick to say "kick him off the show" when others have done way worse and are still around. SMH. Jessica Brown
Didn't some dude bust a bottle and pull a shank on somebody in the past? And they didn't even kick them out, like, seriously? This is straight up crazy. Jack Washington
Happy Birthday
Wishing you a birthday filled with laughter and fun, my dear friend! 😂🎁🎊
Happy Birthday. Hope all your birthday wishes come true!
Why are the Wallabies so on the nose at the moment. Nobody loves them anymore. Read more https://bit.ly/4guQcIr
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I heard Alan Jones is on the job hunt... Briohny Costello
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And if he said it was all good, she would've been on the opposite side of that argument too 😂 Anthony Galli
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He is gorgeous and would be perfect in my shed with plenty of space and food, no other animals around.
That carpet looks bloody beautiful and so bloody healthy as well. I would have let it keep snoozin'. I love having carpets in my place, they'll gobble up anything that's gonna wreck my house, like rodents and possums.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday! Wishing you a year filled with love, laughter, and joy.
You’re officially old enough to know better but not old enough to care. Happy Birthday Gabriella
Accident or deliberate act: Eggs are in scarce supply. Full story: https://bit.ly/4evYwXJ
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I'm on the lookout for any duds, and if I spot one, I simply swap it out for a fresh box. No need to play the old switcheroo!
Happy Birthday
You’re officially old enough to know better but not old enough to care. Happy Birthday Steven