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Emily Bianchi

Emily Bianchi

Female. Lives in Auburn, New South Wales, Australia. Born on May 20, 1997.
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Mark Russell
She can suggest a menu addition or pay for it if it doesn't sell, without being a food dictator.
Jacob Wilson
Don't trip if you want to munch on something else, but don't be pushing your tastes on everyone else, ya feel me?
Andrew Gray
Bring your own sheila or catch you later
Zac Davey
I've been meat-free for over 35 years 'cause I'm just not a fan, but hey, to each their own! Let's keep things chill and offer choices for everyone. Not everyone's ready to say goodbye to meat, and that's totally cool!
May 21, 2024
Jonathan Hickman
I urge her to conduct impartial research on grain production, including land clearing, chemical use, and harm to animals for the vegan diet.
Adam Graham
She can ask for a menu upgrade, but if it doesn't sell, she'll have to pony up to make it happen. Can't stand a food dictator trying to control everyone's meals.
Matthew Wilson
It's hard for kids dealing with bullying these days, wouldn't want to be that mom's child.
May 21, 2024
Matthew Williams
At a high school event, we had to throw out vegan sausages because hardly anyone wanted them. Pressure groups often ignore the preferences of the majority.
Anthony King
Just convince little Johnny Vegan to stop eating sausages. Easy.
Greg Waugh
I urge her to conduct impartial research on the entire process of grain production, including land clearing, chemical use, and impacts on animals for vegan diets.
David Greenbank
She questions the need for a BBQ after morning games but still wants to control others' choices.
Andy Weeks
There is lots of grass in the oval for them to eat, and I'm sure the shire would appreciate the help with mowing!
Alessandro Fontana
I bet if the mom wasn't there, the kid would totally munch on it. Unless she's brainwashed him. Kids that young haven't formed their own opinions yet.
May 21, 2024
Victor Roberts
Don't ditch the sausages, ditch the vegan mother instead!
We had a high school event where the vegan sausages were left untouched because hardly anyone wanted them. Those pressure groups just don't think about what most people actually like!
Logan Harris
It's fine for a club to cater to different dietary needs, but forcing everyone to eat the same thing is not acceptable. It's always best to ask politely and without expectations.
Rob Hansen
I can't help but feel bad for the son, with his mom being all pushy about her beliefs. Poor kid just wants to blend in, and here she is causing a scene!
May 21, 2024
Frank Williams
Vegans receive hate because some try to impose their diet choices on others.
May 21, 2024
David Hansen
Vegan mom can go and grab that thing, ya know?
Bob Murray
I can't help but feel bad for that poor son. His mom is always causing a big commotion about pushing her beliefs onto everyone else. And it's gotta be pretty cringeworthy for the kid, who just wants to blend in at his age.
May 21, 2024
Matteo Piras
One person taking up the whole club is ridiculous; either eat grass or bring your own food.
Tim Ross
No worries! The mom steps up to the plate and offers to whip up and sell some vegan sausages. Just one small detail though - she'll have to bring her own BBQ, because vegan sausages can't mix with meaty ones. But hey, crisis averted!
Jake Ross
I was on this tourist bus up in the Northern Territory and there was this American lady who said she didn't want to eat meat because she didn't want to hurt the animals. But get this, she was wearing leather shoes!
Michael Nelson
All the football BBQs have a vegan choice called an onion on a bun.
May 21, 2024
Thomas Fisher
I know she's gonna be really missed at the club's working bees.
Andrew Quinn
No prob, the mom steps up to grill and sell the vegan sausages, but she'll need her own bbq since they can't touch meat. Easy fix.
Daniel King
So, yeah, since sales are down, we gotta jack up the subscription fee from 50 bucks to 650 per player to cover our costs for the season. Good luck with that, huh?
Every football cookout got that vegan option, just slap an onion on a bun.
May 21, 2024
Phil Partington
I wonder what kind of mischief her son will get into when left to his own devices!
Paul Flynn
Veggie sausages are delicious - I've been eating them for two decades. It would be brave to suggest the entire football team to switch to them.
Eddie Fisher
A club should have options for families with different diets, but it's not cool to force everyone to eat what she wants. In my experience, clubs will try to help out as much as they can, like cooking a sausage on foil for a kid who can't have it with eggs. Just ask nicely without assuming they'll ca... View More
Jasmine Kennedy
Lots of green out in the field for them to munch on, I bet the city wouldn't mind the extra lawn care!
Robbie Lynch
I've got no problem with vegans, mate, but when they start pushing their opinions on other people, that's when they lose me.
May 21, 2024
Olivia Sanna
Are the meat lovers trying to meat-shame everyone else by only offering sausage options?
Adam Collins
Bring Your Own Lady or See You Around
Joshua Scott
With vegan sausages, give them a quick flip on each side, drizzle with some vegan honey, cook a bit more, and then toss them in the garbage because even your pup won't touch that stuff.
May 21, 2024
Ronald Alexander
Vegans receive hate and ridicule for telling others what to eat.
May 21, 2024
Raymond Williams
The whole pub for just one bloke, what a cheek! Go eat some grass or bring your own tucker and let them throw it on the barbie.
Instead of throwing out the sausages, just kick the vegan mom to the curb!
Peter King
I've been a veggie for more than 35 years 'cause meat just ain't my thing. But hey, if others dig it, more power to 'em. Let's keep the peace and offer choices instead of cutting people out. Not everyone's ready to ditch the meat.
May 21, 2024
Andrew Carver
The child would probably eat it without the mother's influence because they haven't formed their own opinions yet.
May 21, 2024
Kyle Thomas
She can chuck in a new barbie for vego snags, barbie it up every weekend and cover any extra costs if she's keen for it to go ahead.
Alex Randall
It's cool if you want to eat something else, but don't make others eat something they don't like just because you prefer it.
Aaron Maxwell
I agree with Mom in the article about kids not wanting to eat sausages if they knew how they were made.
Nick Stephanidis
Just tell little Johnny Vegan to quit munching on those sausages. Easy peasy!
Cristiano Ferrari
Kids these days have a hard time dealing with bullying, wouldn't want to be that mom's child.
May 21, 2024
Owen Evans
It's all good to ask, and if you've got a group of good blokes, one of them might say, "Hey, I've got a BBQ at home that I never use. Let's clean it up and use it to cook some snags." But, unfortunately, that's pretty much the only option for a lot of people. It's also likely that the vegetarians wi... View More
Mark Samson
Where do those classic vegan sausages with no animal skin come from?
Noah Taylor
I'm cool with vegans, but when they start trying to shove their beliefs down everyone's throats, that's when they lose me.
May 21, 2024
Anthony Redford
Mom can hook up her kid with vegan sausages for the game, no need for the footy club to give in.
Edward Hill
We've got a veggie player on the team who always brings his own food to our sausage sizzles - we make sure to cook his first. It's no biggie, but no one would expect us all to go veggie.
Steven Robinson
A chill vegan would be all like, "Yo, can we get some vegan sausages on the side instead of making everyone eat them?"
Steve Powell
Back in the day, I had no problem whipping up some vegan grub on the same greasy plate as the sausages. And believe it or not, the vegans were all about it.
Henry Bell
She's all like, "Who needs a BBQ after morning games?" But then she's all like, "But wait, why do I even care?" Like, if she's not into it, why bother? I bet even if it was a vegan BBQ, she'd still find a way to rain on the parade. She just wants to be the BBQ police and tell everyone what to do. Li... View More
Lex Pantelis
Honestly, Soccer is like the perfect place for a vegan mom who hovers around like a helicopter.
Kade Richards
And then because of a drop in sales, the subscription price has to jump from $50 to $650 per player to cover the season's costs!! Good on ya mate, good luck with that!!
Joshua Taylor
Have you ever tried a vegan hot dog? Man, those things are nasty. There's always a bunch left over at school BBQs. If they're worried about them being cooked on the same grill as the real meat, they can bring a BBQ plate mat and cook it on that. That way it won't mix with the regular sausages. Askin... View More
She looks and talks just like I pictured.
Kyle Nunez
Just cook those vegan sausages for a couple minutes on each side, add a bit of vegan honey, cook a bit more, and then toss them out. Your dog won't even want them!
May 21, 2024
Greg Morris
She should come with her own grub
May 21, 2024
Mason Smith
I wonder what's gonna go down when her son starts calling the shots.
Andrew Sorenson
We got a veggie homie on our squad who always brings his own grub to a cookout. We make sure to grill up his dish first. It ain't no thang, but no one's expecting the whole crew to go veggie.
Sebastian Baker
I used to whip up some vegan goodies on the same greasy plate as the sausages, and the vegans couldn't get enough of them!
Jerry Nelson
Mum can hook up her son with some vegan sausages, the footy club doesn't need to cave in.
Jordan O'Keefe
Eating veggie sausages for 20 years is nice, but expecting a whole football team to eat them is brave.
I reckon Mum is spot on in this article! If kids knew all the juicy details about how animals are raised and turned into sausages, they might just opt out of eating them.
Chris Williams-Moore
On a tourist bus in Northern Territory, I heard an American tourist say she didn't want to eat meat to avoid hurting animals, yet she wore leather shoes.
Dennis Henderson
A thoughtful vegan would request vegan sausages as an option, instead of imposing them on others.
Arthur Davis
Vegan mom can go grab that thing, you know?
Michael Wilson
She should bring her own tucker.
May 21, 2024
Brad Grant
Honestly, a vegan helicopter mom in soccer is not surprising to me.
If she wants to make it happen, she can donate a new BBQ for vegan sausages, run it every weekend, and cover any funding gaps.
Brian Kennedy
She's just as cute and chatty as I pictured!
Steven Walsh
Where do vegan sausages come from if they don't have a collagen outer skin?
James Pascoe
It's all good to ask, and if you have a cool group of people, one of them might be like, "Hey, I have a BBQ at home that I never use. Let's clean it up and use it to cook some sausages." Unfortunately, that's really the only option for a lot of folks. It's also a fact that some vegetarians will say ... View More
Have you ever tried a vegan sausage? They're kinda gross. There always seems to be extras left at school BBQs. If they're worried about cross-contamination with the regular sausages, they can bring their own BBQ mat to cook them on. That way, they won't mix with the real sausages. Asking for all sau... View More
I reckon she'll be bloody missed at the clubs' working bees.
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