Interesting idea. Lets see if it works. Details:

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Dave Walsh
Instead of throwing away cash on things like this, why not spruce up the roads with some cool new markings for all those future driverless cars? The US is already on top of this game, which is why they're lightyears ahead of us Aussies!

Carter Robertson
Good for people who can't color inside the lines.

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Gotta check out the ink on the whole front flap, mate.
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Did Tyson Fury really whoop Klitschko and snatch all the belts?? Dude held the title for a decade, then disappeared on a wild binge, only to come back slimmed down, beat Wilder (kinda, it was a draw), and defended against some randoms who ain't even in the top 20? Like WTF, get it together. And his ... View More
The video Facebook wouldn't show
The video Facebook wouldn't show
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Happy Birthday Alice Morgan
Here's wishing you a birthday filled with love, laughter, and lots of cake!
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You can talk smack all you want, but PNG definitely deserves a team in the NRL....they're a Rugby Nation for real 💯💯
Masssive price paid for 'ruby shoes' at auction. Read more
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I reckon I bloody love the Wizard of Oz, mate. If you've got $28Mil to splash on them Ruby slippers, go nuts... But personally, I could think of a few better things to spend that dosh on, hahaha. Since I ain't got $28Mil though, I reckon I'll just zip my lips.
28 million! I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I reckon you might be interested in having a yarn about.
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Hey, everyone! Hang on to your gas appliances as long as you can!
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Needs a solid feed. Bloody hell, talk about trying to empower young sheilas to feel good about their bods 🤬
Are we back to the early 2000s when you had to be as skinny as a rake to be considered attractive? Anyone with some common sense knows that looking like a skeleton isn't attractive, she needs a big burger haha.
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I reckon I never bloody watch it mate. I bloody love horses more than watching them get hurt racin' for humans' pleasure and greed. Albert Watson
Hey there! How's it going on your end and with the fam? Loving your profile! Can we be buddies if it's cool with you?