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Jerome Ford

Jerome Ford

Male. Lives in Brookvale, New South Wales, Australia. Born on April 23, 2003.
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Two big reasons
3 Yarn
NRL Knowall
Big win for the Sea Eagles
Manchester United Down Under
This is complete rubbish
1 Yarn
Matt Gilchrist
Albo dives in again to catch more votes. What won't he do. He is sending the country bankrupt
2 Yarn
Adrian Boyle
Holy shit now that is a belting
2 Yarn
Breanna Holloway
1 Yarn
The concert is just perfect. You are a dickhead Tom
Star News
Yang Hengjun has received a suspended death sentence in China.
1 Yarn
This is just easy to use so they should keep them
James Pascoe
And this is why we still and will always need cash
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