fell while trying to get a better selfie. OMG how stupid. Full story: https://bit.ly/40eFVLY

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Daniel Joyce
Janet Richardson

Chris Stewart
What a bummer, it's so sad to see so many young folks passing away unnecessarily. My heart goes out to the dude's posse and fam.

Glen EvansGE
Glen Evans


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How about we strap on those sneakers, work on our moves, and get the crowd cheering before we go all out?
Running a top-notch stadium would cost more than AFLW's annual revenue.
Thanks to those people that attended the meeting last night at Barkly Square to meet the candidates for the Central and Golden Point wards.
People asked me why I’m standing and why I put my hand up t... View More
Somebody with some passion and is willing to stand up to the council staff that make stupid budget decisions about how much something will cost. And usually 5 times over what it should cost. 

Cheryl Schutz could not have said it better myself so I won't try