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Kayla Lopez

Female. Lives in Australia. Born on September 5, 1921.
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Joseph Lee
Yeah, my commute in Sydney is just 3 stops and it's $4 for a 6-minute ride. That's $40 a week, which is crazy expensive if you compare it to a single trip from CBD to Blacktown for $8. Definitely a rip-off.
Rob O'Connor
Don't stress, it's just a trick they pull before elections. They'll definitely make up for it afterwards, you can count on it.
May 29, 2024
it might take more cars off the road, especially during peak hours.
May 29, 2024
Joseph White
Guess what? There's an election coming up in October! But let's be real - it's just a sneaky ploy to stay in charge. QLD is already 3 billion in the hole and hasn't even started building anything for the Olympics yet.
May 29, 2024
And you'll be rockin' up to the front of the line, stickin' out your dirty mitt to snag your $1300 towards ya power bill to help ease the strain on ya pocket.
Jack Martinez
For sure, as long as they step up the service times too then yeah!
May 29, 2024
Paul Strickland
Only benefits city slickers, and we all have to fork out more in taxes. Country folk won't see any benefits from this for the odd train ride.
Larry Jenkins
That idea is genius and will save tons of money in the future! It's the perfect way to get folks to shrink their carbon footprints. Bravo! 👏
May 29, 2024
What a load of crap. Who's footing the bill for this? It's only for city folks, what about us country dwellers? Is this coming out of our taxes or what?
Keith Phillips
How will the overflow of cars from people living far from stations be handled in Qld?
Gary Thompson
Lowering public transport fares can lead to neglect of maintenance, causing higher costs in the long run, and it is unfair to pay double taxes for services.
Glen Cook
The key to getting folks to hop on public transport is to make it speedy and regular. If your local bus only comes around once an hour and takes the scenic route, no one's gonna bother with it, even if it's a free ride.
Richard Mitchell
What the states gotta do is take responsibility, make sure it's safe and reliable - something that's not happening in Adelaide right now!!!
May 29, 2024
Chris Robertson
To get more folks on the bus, just make sure it's easy to catch a ride and doesn't cost an arm and a leg!
Nicholas Robinson
The Northside of Brisbane is like a never-ending game of musical chairs when it comes to parking! It's so bad that people are getting fined $155 for trying to park near the train station. And to top it off, one station is closed for upgrades, but guess what? No extra car park included! It's like the... View More
First we need more parking and trains.
Adam Graham
Yo, check it: if public transportation was treated like a service, it would be free like in other fancy countries. Otherwise, it's just a money-making hustle that hasn't been privatized yet. Just saying.
Brandon Washington
I'd totally ride the trains into the city more often if the tickets weren't so pricey in Melbourne. I'm a mom of three, so when my whole fam wants to hit up the city, there's five of us and it's just more cost-effective for me to drive and snag some cheap all-day parking (usually around $10-$15).
Peter Francis
Cutting the price of taking the bus or train would totally make more people want to ride. I'm all for it.
It's like pulling a rabbit out of a hat! This whole thing is just a flashy trick to win votes, but us country folk without access to public transport will end up footing the bill through higher taxes. The money has to come from somewhere, after all!
Michael Taylor
It should be a buck a day to encourage more people to hop on board. With better services, fewer cars on the road - it's a no-brainer. But really, public transport in this country should be run by the government, not by private companies.
The states are skint so we can't afford this. Just another daft idea that we'll end up paying for later on. Classic Labor foolishness.
James McKay
If the government was fair, we'd be zooming around in our cars for free! We've got the biggest stash of natural gas in the world, so why are we paying for power? And don't even get me started on coal - we've got the motherload, but they're shipping it off for big bucks. They preach about stopping fo... View More
Marcus Adams
Is it worth charging 50c if admin costs outweigh the fare for those who can afford it?
James Kemp
How about providing rebates for outer suburb residents who must drive, benefiting those in wealthier areas with easy access to public transportation.
Billy Cook
Governments ain't ballin' like that. They straight up take cash from the working and producing folk or you'll end up behind bars. Then they act like they're doing us a solid by giving some crumbs back. If they stopped splurging on extras, they could hook us up with free or reduced essentials. ... View More
May 29, 2024
Chris Williams
Election be comin up soon! They tryna grease the wheels in Queensland to get the crooked ALP government back in power, but folks ain't fallin for that nonsense!
Ashley Power
We're all gonna end up footing the bill for this, it's comin' straight outta our pockets. Just remember, government money is our hard-earned cash.
Carter Morris
Even if it's on the house where I'm at, I'd rather hop in the car for a quick 15-minute ride instead of enduring a 50-minute+ bus and tram trip, sometimes dragging out to 2 hours on weekends. No way, Jose!
Daniel Pearce
This new option is like a magic wand for parents doing school drop off! Now they can hop on public transport to whisk their kids to and from school with ease.
Anthony Miller
I remember reading once in London that it would be more cost-effective to have a donation system instead of dealing with tickets, inspectors, and revenue processing. Interesting, hey?
Jamie Douglas
1 Yarn
Bill Cosby could give it a crack... Hang on, is he still kickin'?
Andrew Crowl
I would be upset if my hard work for 30 years was taken away because of a documentary. It's too late to change characters now, so we should just leave it as it is.
Stephen Nelson
Retain the original person, they have a great voice.
Wayne Reid
It's likely true, but the show has been on for 40 years and he also voices other characters.
Bevan Moore
I haven't seen it in mad long but the new voice is nowhere near as good as the OG. Such a weak copy.
May 18, 2024
Daniel Walton
I attempted to watch it, but it doesn't feel right with certain characters missing. The show should end gracefully and bring back important voice actors for authenticity.
Graeme Lawrence
RFK, also known as Robert Quimby, was definitely a bit of a rebel because his family thought he was totally embarrassing for not believing in vaccines.
May 18, 2024
He might be onto something if the Simpsons had never chucked a different bloke in for any of the characters.
May 18, 2024
Chris McGrath
It sounds like he's missing out on royalties by not letting a black person play his black character.
Liam Poole
Sounds like a domestic problem. Why should we give a toss?
May 18, 2024
Thomas Rogan
They could leave Lisa behind.
May 18, 2024
I've always had a great fondness for her
Cameron Smith
He didn't have much to say when they ditched Apu from the show!
That's why I stopped watching it.
May 18, 2024
Cameron Smith
I was about to ask you that, mate.
Apooo was awesome!
Chris Johnson
Aw, poor little Harry Shearer!
May 18, 2024
Aaron Simmons
Yeah, he totally gives off that boomer vibe.
Clinton Fenton
Why does it even matter??? Didn't they ax Apu for the same thing?
Jacob Wright
He never said that. He actually said that people are saying the show is getting too woke. Can TMZ even read? He was also talking about how a black actor shouldn't have to imitate a white person's idea of a black voice, they should use their own authentic voice.
Beck Hutchinson
I reckon he was ace as Dr. Hibbert...no need to be a Black fella to do the voice for a Black character.
Spoiled actor Harry Shearer, who plays 20 roles on The Simpsons and makes over $300,000 per episode, is worth over $80 million. He's mad that a talented Black actor with tons of experience was hired a few years ago to voice a Black character.
Phillip Williams
"Oi, mate, I couldn't give a toss if you're a black fella. If you're a crack-up and right for the job, you've earned it."
Matthew Smith
This article is like, totally the most biased one I've ever read about the most controversial person on The Simpsons cast. Like, seriously, why didn't he flip out when they changed Apu's voice ages ago?
What's the bloody big deal if you had a black voice do Elvis all hell would break loose.
May 18, 2024
Blair Harvey
So Harry cashes out a 20 character check while Kevin only gets paid for one character. Harry's still on top. Kevin took forever to get that one character, and now Harry's all salty that Kevin got anything.
“Woke” was a word created by the black community to talk about being aware of racial injustice. To stay “woke” means to be alert and careful. But now it’s been twisted and used as a weapon to attack anything seen as “liberal”. I can’t stand it here.
May 18, 2024
We understood and were not offended by the off remarks from Bill Cosby.
Andrew Hipwell
He's upset because he can only express his thoughts in 547 characters instead of 548.
Sam Anderson
I feel like watching Tropic Thunder today for some reason.
Peter Sanders
I'm out here spitting fire bars but y'all be snoozin' on me.
Alex Zorich
How on earth is this show still going strong?
The Simpsons isn't woke, it's just way past its prime and should have ended a decade ago! Back in the 90s, it was top-notch, but now it's like an old cassette tape trying to be cool in a streaming world. Time to retire, Homer!
I enjoy the Simpsons for its political incorrectness and humor that always wraps up the story at the end.
I'm curious, did he start feeling some type of way when Hank stopped voicing Apu, or did he only care when it impacted him?
Alexander Cane
I never heard him grumble when Apu got axed from The Simpsons. Plus, he knew since 2020 that white actors wouldn't be voicing non-white characters anymore, so it's not about being "woke," it's probably just about him getting a smaller paycheck. Let's just keep it real and not turn it into a whole PC... View More
Michael Moore
Voiced characters for 3+ decades, like Hank Azaria and Mike Henry, who are now criticized for voicing cartoon characters.
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