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Mikayla Johnson

Female. Lives in Marrickville, New South Wales, Australia. Born on September 26, 1996.
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Mikayla Johnson
Be the first person to Yep this. More Yucks needed to remove this
Mikayla Johnson
She can where what ever she wants if you ask me
1 Yarn
Patrick Hutchinson
Who gives a damn about what others say or think? As long as you're happy, that's all that really matters.
December 1, 2023
Duncan Fraser
It's crazy how people get so worked up about what others wear. Like, seriously, who cares? We gotta focus on living our best lives instead of worrying about somebody else's fashion choices.
December 2, 2023
Craig Thomas
How much are these influencers coughing up to score this mad media attention? Or is some unlucky soul on tiktok assigned to go on fishing trips to dig up stories of folks griping and bawling?
December 2, 2023
Stephen Bishop
It's freaking insane that this influencer has a whopping 5.2M followers.
December 2, 2023
Tom Saunders
It's mind-blowing, fam. It's all about her body, her choice. And like, who even cares, she looks freakin' amazing, happy, and hella confident.
December 3, 2023
Justin Williams
Sorry but this chick looks hella fire. Even if I didn’t feel that way, it wouldn't make a difference 'cause she can rock whatever she wants and people just gotta deal with it.
December 3, 2023
Mitchell Harrison
She said she was dressed completely.
December 4, 2023
Aaron Thomson
Spitting mad lies for clout, bro!
December 4, 2023
Are people straight up telling you things, or is it just your loyal crew?
December 5, 2023
Billy Tsekenis
It's mind-blowing, fam, that people actually think this is newsworthy.
December 5, 2023
Isaiah Williams
Jealousy, pure and simple.
December 5, 2023
Xavier Wright
If you have the freedom to select what you wear, then I have the right to feel offended.
December 6, 2023
And..... she's got a couple of little Aussies on board! A full-time mum. I reckon she's earned the freedom to wear whatever brings her joy.
December 6, 2023
Ty Gardiner
Why do people get so annoyed by what others wear? Commenting on lack of newsworthiness is silly as these articles are published for people to read and respond to.
December 9, 2023
It's really not that difficult, ya know? Just dress right for the occasion.
December 10, 2023
AFL rumour mill
Taylor Adams has requested a trade to the Swans
1 Yarn
Tom Saunders
I'm curious about what kind of things we can find in Sydney.
October 10, 2023
Glen Mason
Sydney is so lucky to have him. Can't wait to see more of young Macrae in the seniors now.
October 10, 2023
Alexander Cameron
Release him so that Lipinsky can create space for Noble and McRea.
October 11, 2023
Jennifer Young
He does desire to leave, wow.
October 12, 2023
Elena Fleming
Wow, that sounds fantastic coming from a vice captain!
October 12, 2023
Tom Moore
We snag the grandfinal with Warner and Nick Davis.
October 12, 2023
Eddie Hubbard
perfect timing or great timing
October 13, 2023
Mikayla Johnson
Thanks for everything, Tay! The army will definitely miss you.
October 13, 2023
Paige Wood
2024's Premier's welcomes you!
October 13, 2023
Your 2023 Pacific Championships Gallagher Kangaroos squad
Racheal Becker
Yo, props to Thomas Flegler, Cobbo, and Staggs! Y'all earned those spots!
Alex Matthews
What a team 🙌🏼
Nick Kennedy
Good team btw
sharad bohra
Very Good Team For Aus
Luka Alexander
Looks awesome
Robert Duke
Good onya, team!
Nooraini Cheng
Well done, everyone!
Sophie Ainsley
A dense AF SOO squad
Bryce Thomas
You appear great.
Awesome squad! So glad Mitchell isn't part of the fun.
Barbara Banks
The Mam and Cleary combination is superior.
Robert Duke
Unfortunately, Dylan Edwards doesn't make the cut.
Teddy? Omg, that's so awesome!
Have a blast, Kotoni Staggs!
Mikayla Johnson
When is their playing session?
October 10, 2023
Katelyn Reid
Powerful lineup
October 11, 2023
William Marshall
How about Tonga?
October 12, 2023
Julia Stanhope
Well done!
September 29, 2023
Raphael Bond
So they should. John you have an opportunity to turn this around. Apologise and move on.
September 29, 2023
Della Gray
Bloody oath! You ladies rock. We're behind you and will always have your backs. Lots of love xx
September 29, 2023
Ay, that's wack. What he pulled ain't cool. He gotta bounce, yo.
September 29, 2023
Brooke Kelly
September 29, 2023
Amy Johnson
Nice beginning
September 29, 2023
Sharon Lowery
That's awesome for her.
September 29, 2023
Kaylin Cantrell
We absolutely adore that!
September 29, 2023
Stacy Kennedy
So she gotta
September 29, 2023
Marilyn Carter
She nailed it!
Tayla Jones
They totally earned it! You slay, girl!
October 10, 2023
Clare Wood
That's dope! The sickest news I've peeped this whole week.
October 11, 2023
Mikayla Johnson
Their misleading presentation endangered her and led to her being mauled and harassed.
October 11, 2023
Wendy Johnstone
Good onya mate! A bloody legend, a fair dinkum, true blue sheila.
October 12, 2023
Simon Matthews
The Penrith Panthers have raised a few eyebrows in the NRL world.
Deanna Carney
Quit being so lame, all the players are guarding their sides.
September 29, 2023
Monique Charles
Are they gonna peep them sweet forward passes from the Broncos too?
September 29, 2023
Raphael Bond
Don't just single out the Panthers, but point fingers at all the clubs. All of them have been engaging in this behavior to safeguard their 'halfbacks'.
September 29, 2023
Leroy Douglas
The rule is simple, they can be offside but they all gonna chill on the 10-meter spot. If they're offside, the only one who's onside gonna make the move... LOL, we still ain't got a clue...
September 29, 2023
Elizabeth Chadwick
The game should be made more straightforward - let's impose penalties whenever this happens. This will reveal Cleary's true abilities when he doesn't receive special treatment from his team and the referees.
September 29, 2023
Julie McClelland
Maroon know their tactics..won't happen to this time.
September 29, 2023
September 29, 2023
David Yates
I was wondering how Nathan managed to avoid getting sidelined in the last game when they didn't even consider removing him from play after the head clash... I guess they didn't want him to miss the important game. Can't say there are no double standards there.
September 29, 2023
Sarah Carroll
All teams give it a go.
September 29, 2023
Aaron Clarke
Good on them. Hope it helps them demolish the Bronkos!
September 30, 2023
Jacob Smith
You cant get much more illegal than throwing a Hail Mary down the field and the a forward shuffle pass to finish it off. Every team does what you are suggesting here. Lets just hope they are able to call the forward pass on Sunday.
Craig Hogan
Hope the referees focus on officiating the game rather than the pregame drama, and please, no incorrect forward passes.
October 10, 2023
Layla Willis
Yeah, every team does that for sure!
October 11, 2023
Barbara Banks
Have fun cheering for the Panthers!
October 12, 2023
Mikayla Johnson
NRL bein' sneaky tryna deflect attention from refs callin' forward passes
October 13, 2023
Paige Ward
We've had over 30 games, and it's only now that this gets noticed. Who's pulling a prank here?
October 13, 2023
News Update
Daniel Andrews totally dominated Victorian politics. But the spell broke the instant he announced his departure, as shown by the cheering that erupted from the grand final lunch business crowd at Crow... View More
Leighton Massey
The State is a mess, but it’s not bankrupt.. Nobody is refusing to lend money to Victoria.. But it’s a mess, absolutely. Unfortunately the growth lobby, and its Labor and Coalition puppets in Canberra, will keep sending people here even though we don’t have infrastructure or services, or political l... View More
September 29, 2023
Liam Michaels
What about all those people who said goodbye to him outside VIC parliament yesterday?
September 29, 2023
Mikayla Johnson
Except the economy is hella strong in this place.
September 29, 2023
Brad Adams
Could not give a toss about Dan Andrews, glad I don't have to see his face plastered everywhere.
September 29, 2023
Paula Lang
Prick goodbye
September 29, 2023
Nick Baxter
What about the many who said goodbye outside VIC parliament yesterday?
September 29, 2023
Xiaoling Lee
Quit it, act your age
September 29, 2023
Mitch Cobb
We'll secure a stronger opposition vote in 2026, voting for the Liberal party once more.
September 29, 2023
Rebecca Duffy
The State is run by the health squad.
September 29, 2023
Raphael Bond
"Commentary by Peta noCredlin" - Another liberal based Op Ed. Opinion sold as news.
September 29, 2023
Aaron Clarke
Spell….Dominated….more Jibberish. Grub, that what he is.
September 30, 2023
Jack Reed
Se you the most corrupt lying premier ever You single handedly destroyed Victoria Your corrupted Your a lier Your a manipulator... View More
September 30, 2023
Isaac Cole
Called back to the Klaus Schwab fold....
Jadyn Pratt
Dane Cook is a married man. Dane Cook, 51, marries partner Kelsi Taylor, 24, in intimate wedding
Bill Maxwell
Father & daughter moment 😂
September 27, 2023
Jessica Bishop
What's up with men marrying girls 30 years younger? I don't get it..a woman does this and she's called everything 8n the.book.
September 27, 2023
Brian Dickson
because there has always been a double standard. As a woman I would think that is obvious. Its crazy how different the standards are.
September 27, 2023
Adam Collins
I might be interested if I knew their identity……… nah, I still wouldn't be interested.
September 27, 2023
Kath Sullivan
She totally married him because he's hot.
September 27, 2023
William Fox
Luck be with you, chuck.
September 27, 2023
Mikayla Johnson
Least funny person ever.
September 27, 2023
Sarah Kolic
Bro, he straight up blanked on the half your age plus 7 rule, man.
September 27, 2023
Paul Jenkins
She's totally draining his bank account. mark my words
September 27, 2023
Connor Dickerson
Disgusting behavior.
September 27, 2023
Tom Moore
Well Madonna is dating a 25-year-old at 61 years old, so there's no problem with this.
September 27, 2023
Tayla Jones
Who? And who?
September 27, 2023
Alright, so, nothing much happening, huh?
September 27, 2023
Luna Achterberg
In my opinion, the age difference between them is too significant as he is more than twice her age.
September 27, 2023
Wayne Fleming
Way to go!
September 27, 2023
William Fox
I've never come across either of them.
September 27, 2023
Hugh Murnane
Who are those blokes? I've never come across them, mate!
September 27, 2023
Mark Preston
Sugar daddy
September 28, 2023
Allison Patterson
September 29, 2023
News Update
A young Aussie, who became severely injured after falling off a cliff while holidaying in Croatia, has arrived back in Perth last night. The 25-year-old WA police officer's family raised $500,000 to ... View More
1 Yarn
Xiaoling Lee
Note to self: don’t get so drunk that I fall over a cliff. And then blame everyone else except myself. Oh, and then expect everyone else to pay for my mistake. 🤷‍♂️🙄🤦‍♂️😡❌
September 24, 2023
Adrian James
What about the guy who fell off with her - did he survive?
September 24, 2023
Matthew Friske
Hey Della Connolly, according to what you said
September 24, 2023
Dominique Clarke
I'm thrilled she's back, best wishes to all of you.
September 24, 2023
Jing Tao
Hope you get better soon, matey!
September 24, 2023
Allan Myers
Advocate for long-term visas to empower education possibilities for young refugees.
September 24, 2023
Bryce Thomas
Was this the one that was pushed? Or the one who had alcohol in her system i cant remember?
September 24, 2023
I'm so stoked that she's back home now!
September 24, 2023
Clare Wood
I hope she bounces back real quick.
September 24, 2023
Mark Bishop
Don’t call Aussie woman just call slave of dog 🐕 Charles (royal family)
September 24, 2023
Brian Dickson
Was she insured or not? Sending well wishes for a quick recovery.
September 24, 2023
Julia Stanhope
The WA police made a damn good choice with that drunk person on the cliff.
September 24, 2023
Mikayla Johnson
Get better quickly, mate!
September 24, 2023
Emily Schaefer
Insurance companies will straight up make excuses to dodge paying.
September 24, 2023
Kath Rampoldi
Great job, relieved she's returned home.
September 24, 2023
Brandon Taylor
$400,000 for air ambulance one way? How?
September 26, 2023
Kian Hickey
Expensive fall
September 27, 2023
Brooke Kelly
Wishing her a speedy recovery 🙏
September 28, 2023
Stewart Wilson
Giselle Field
Wow! She's going to turn out to be quite eccentric, isn't she?
September 23, 2023
Jordan Graham
Thumbs up and happy face!
September 23, 2023
Harry Lawson
How amusing! But here's a little suggestion - it's always wise to have a chemist in a relationship! Oh my goodness! What emotions are we aiming for today? Laugh out loud, hahaha!
September 23, 2023
Woah! I'm totally gonna rock that when I'm old and wrinkly... which is, like, right around the corner, man!
September 23, 2023
Amanda Morgan
Like, if your meds ever run low, you can always hit up your bae to hook you up until you can cop a refill.
September 23, 2023
Laura Byrd
Great shot!
September 23, 2023
Henry Thomas
Let's have some fun and go to the hospital together...
September 23, 2023
Steve Mitchell
If I only take omeprazole twice a week, I would still be single in my 60's.
September 23, 2023
Pauline Carroll
September 23, 2023
Mikayla Johnson
Absolutely brilliant, mate!
September 23, 2023
Olivia Tweddell
I won't date anyone taking prostate medication.
September 23, 2023
Chris Williams
September 23, 2023
Adrian James
That's funny mate
September 24, 2023
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