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Jessica Garcia

Female. Lives in Campbellfield, Victoria, Australia. Born on July 25, 1980.
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Chris Rae
Mitchell is just not up to it any more …. Simple
Gary Johnson
I must be watching a different match. All them so-called pros on Fox talkin' about how good it is to have Latrell back. What a joke, he's the worst fullback I've seen in ages. Time to kick that problem to the curb for all us Rabbitohs fans. Please.
Duncan Jackson
Gotta be the coach 😂 Seriously, who thought making him a full back was a good idea? He's never had the stamina for it...and his own internal battle was always stealing the spotlight, both on and off the field.
May 14, 2024
Andrew Richardson
Mate, the coach is the issue, time to give him the boot.
Jason Edwards
It's time to make tough decisions and prepare for next year by getting rid of underperforming players like Souths.
Hayden Miles
Even a blind dude can tell Latrell ain't playing his best right now. He ain't ready for the NSW Origin squad. He needs to watch Dylan Edwards' tape to learn how to play fullback.
Steve Bouris
I love trying to spot Latrell on the field during the game, but the camera always seems to miss him. He's like a ninja - always hanging out on the left when the action is on the right!
Adam Roberts
"Big talker but can't walk the walk...put him at fullback for Souths and watch them sink to the bottom of the pile!"
Andrew Martin
He should've wrapped up the ball twice but chose to be lazy twice and got lucky. St George ran right over him and weren't playing too good, especially the fullback.
Andrew Jefferson
If he chooses to play, he can be a great center, but currently, he is not contributing anything positive to his team despite earning a lot of money.
I can't watch Latrell at fullback anymore. He is no superstar and had 3 weeks to prove his fitness but still has a big gut.
May 14, 2024
Allan Gleeson
I've had his back for ages but after last night's no-show, I can't defend him any longer. If he doesn't have the drive to show up for himself and his crew, he needs to hang it up right now. By sticking around and not giving it his all, he's making a fool of himself, ruining his rep, and bringing sha... View More
Wayne Phillips
Dude sucks at fullback, but he managed to snag 2 tries when he was in the mix. Clearly, he's better off as a centre. Who's the genius putting him at fullback anyways? He just needs to get in better shape, but he's too good to be wasted at fullback. Who's actually in charge of the team here? Definite... View More
The South's fans have been loudly calling for change for some time now.
Anthony Riva
He only steps up 5 yards from the tryline. He's straight up trash in the league.
May 14, 2024
It's great to see Latrell back at the top of his game!
Sammy Cabrera
This dude is straight up slacking off, man. He's got mad skills but he's just throwing it all away. Gotta bench him until he shows he actually wants to play. It's embarrassing how little he cares about his team, fans, and the fact that he's getting paid big bucks to do what he loves. ... View More
May 14, 2024
Carl Allen
I'm just keepin' it real. The haters this dude gets at every game ain't about race, it's just them tired Souths fans fed up with his shenanigans.
The best move for this guy is to ghost him, even Stevie Wonder can see he ain't into it. If he steps up, great, but if not, tough luck, his loss. Souths all day, every day!
May 15, 2024
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