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Andrea Sutton

Andrea Sutton

Female. Lives in Point Cook, Victoria, Australia. Born on September 12, 1987.
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AFL rumour mill
Everybody has got at least 1 week for similar, so this will be 1 week for sure
1 Yarn
 Keith Griffin
Well, if he dodges that tackle, a bunch of players have been unfairly benched in the past few seasons.
Terry Adams
He was so done and just snapped. No buts about it. Hopefully he'll take that as a lesson.
Howard Brown
Yes, he was frustrated by two high tackles on him that were not penalized.
He's definitely not the top dog. No clue how to take him down!
Allen Martin
Reid can learn from winning Best and Fairest.
Leroy Douglas
Just picture getting second place and not being the top player, like Mitchell and Cotchin's phony Brownlow win.
Adam Hawke
We already a dozen games deep. Who really thought he was gonna take the win? One injury and he might be benched. Let's just wrap the year up, ya know?
Phillip Williams
Was he the top dog? Maybe, but not exactly playing fair, just the runner-up.
Luis Martin
It's like the Brownlow rules - if you can't go a season without breaking a rule, tough luck. It ain't a participation award like back in primary school. You gotta earn those top prizes by playing by the book. Easy as that.
Cynthia James
Fyfe shirked the rules but the AFL let him off the hook because he was the golden boy at the time, and he ended up winning the Brownlow Medal.
Michael Brown
Hey, rules are rules, so just let it go.
Kian Hickey
G'day mate, welcome to the top tier princess
Who claimed he would win it from the start?
June 5, 2024
Jackson Smith
The best is someone who follows the rules and excels.
Joel Kennedy
He is the top first-year player in the AFL and will be a future champion.
Thomas Peterson
Do you think fairness in the game is no longer important? All players, especially role models, should play with sportsmanship for the benefit of society and young fans. Being the best does not excuse you from facing consequences for your actions. Fairness is crucial.
Mark McNeil
Can't go changing the rules to make sure the player the AFL favors wins the award. It just doesn't fly like that.
Keiren Thompson
I think this kid is an absolute legend on the field, hands down the top rookie in the AFL! But hey, just remember, play around and you'll soon find out what happens!
June 5, 2024
Andrew Broadfoot
If someone's getting punished for no good reason in a report, they shouldn't have to deal with it. It's just not fair when one week a simple play gets you out for ages but the next week someone gets away with a way worse move. It's just not consistent.
June 5, 2024
Alastair Smith
Having a blast watching this youngster tear it up at Optus this year...he's all about the competition, taking on every ball like a champ. He's a total beast and couldn't care less about awards!
Riley Murray
Follow the rules and we all stay safe and sound!
Sam FitzPatrick
Starting in 2025, award the best player for both Rising Star and Brownlow without the fairest segment, without making immediate changes for just two individuals.
Scott Martin
Folks just don't get the diff between a rising star and the Brownlow for best and fairest, ya know?
Paul Bennett
Gotta be the top pick for MVP, no doubt.
Liam Symons
Rules cannot be altered retrospectively.
Just make the Rising star the award for the fairest young player and have a different award for the best. You can't say fairer than that, mate!
June 5, 2024
Raymond Lee
As far as I know, the award was given to the player who worked hard all year.
June 5, 2024
Ditch the award or just make it a MVP award. Suspensions are dropping left and right for no reason, it's getting out of control.
James Stewart
If it was someone else, there wouldn't be a drama. This media attention is causing more trouble than benefit.
That tackle was straight up reckless. You gotta pay the price if you do the deed. And don't even get me started on that throat jab, that should be illegal too.
Joseph Russell
He is not the top player and talks back to the umpires.
June 5, 2024
Randy Anderson
Dusty had a case of beginner's bad luck in his first year!
Joshua Brown
Harley is ineligible for the rest of the season, and other clubs may start to imitate Windhager's tactics.
Harry Cooper
Everyone is accountable for their mistakes!
Justin Murphy
But mate, they're trying to crackdown on this type of tackle in the game, so why would you be getting praised for continuing to do it?
Dimitri Triantis
Prioritizing player safety, the rule of being ineligible if suspended is crucial, as the award is for the best and fairest, not just the best player.
Allen Pyne
Are we really gonna bend the rules just cuz the homie got caught cheatin'? Take your L, grow from it, and bounce.
June 5, 2024
You're like his own personal clubhouse and coach, but he needs to learn to own up to his errors. No more entitled attitude – time to take responsibility!
The top dog, so whoever takes the crown is the champ of the season.
Joseph Russell
Mark my words …. Mitchell is not playing State of Origin this year
1 Yarn
Shane Wilson
Why have a "secret" meeting if it's not really a secret?
Ivan Tomich
Madge invited him, along with Cook and Walker, but he declined out of respect for Souths club and fans.
Aaron Clancy
Out here roaming again
Cleary and his mates didn't rock up either, but let's just focus on Mitchell.
Game over for the absolute unit in the game!
Braden Williams
Trying to act like he doesn't want to play origin because he knows he won't be picked based on performance.
April 17, 2024
Gerald White
There's no way we're putting that terrible fullback in before our top-notch centres!
Allan Gillespie
The game would improve if he and his attitude were removed.
Brett Maxwell
It would do him mad good to spend some time in the NSW cup. That'll bring him back down to earth, ain't no way he's making the NSW Origin squad.
Just stop putting him in the news, it's annoying for all of us. Instead, write about how he caused trouble for the NSW team by not singing the anthem with his little group. And that same group keeps using the NRL to complain about things unrelated to rugby league. Even JT had something to say about ... View More
April 17, 2024
Andrea Sutton
Why doesn't everyone dig him just coz he's Aboriginal?
Joe Reed
Seems like the meeting ain't all that secret, mate! 😂
Louie Stephens
Qld reckons you should chuck him in too! 😉
April 17, 2024
Anthony Tidball
Is Taylor Swift still on tour? I'd rather hear about her than hear about Mitchell chilling on his farm and not a care in the world.
April 17, 2024
Aaron Duffie
Can't resist, huh? You needed a little help getting more likes and comments, so you had to bring up Latrell's name again! But there was already an article today saying that he and the Rabbitohs players turned down the invitation, wanting to focus on their club instead. Right now, their team unity is... View More
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