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Bernadette Osborne

Bernadette Osborne

Female. Lives in Chermside , Queensland, Australia. Born on July 9, 1986.
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Phil Holmes
Perhaps we should be able to get access to their Staff Room and amenities if we're the ones putting in all the graft.
Hunter King
I still go to regular registers instead of self checkout, even if it takes a little longer. Gotta help keep those employees working before all the stores switch to robots.
I agree with the comedian who thinks self checkout is not saving customers money.
April 18, 2024
Mark Skorich
Does he expect the same rules when he uses an ATM or a petrol station?
Barry Ford
He's totally right!
Peter O'Donnell
I tried to get someone to help me out but she just sent me to the self checkout. I tried to explain that I have a disability that makes it hard for me to do it myself, but she just looked at me like I was dumb. Eventually, she came over and did it for me, but she treated me like a little kid. I told... View More
Gary Johnson
I'll bloody well not use the self-checkout, and neither should anyone else. Next thing you know, they'll expect us to unload the bloody truck and stack the shelves ourselves as part of the shopping experience.
Rod Watson
They're playing the price gouging game, raking in millions by skimping on wages. But instead of passing the savings on to us, they pocket every penny and boast about their big profits.
April 18, 2024
Nicholas Smith
Don't people bloody get that Coles is just using self serve to hire less staff and steal jobs? We all deserve a checkout person serving us, not waiting in bloody long queues. If everyone stopped using self serve, they'd have to hire more staff and open up more checkouts.
Alan Dale
I really can't stand self checkout machines. I'd rather have a real person help me out. It helps support their job.
Nicholas Robertson
I bloody love this mate! If there's no bloody checkouts open, I just chuck the groceries and bugger off. These big corporations make enough dosh, they can bloody well hire some checkout staff.
April 18, 2024
Nick Curtis
At least if you pack your own groceries you can do it your way and in peace and quiet. Some of those check-out operators talk too much! 😂
April 18, 2024
Geez... this bloke is the epitome of self entitlement.
Adam Francis
I can't stand how stores make us do all the work to save money, but still jack up prices while cutting employee wages. It's such a rip off and makes me so mad. And don't even get me started on how they never have enough stock on the shelves. But hey, we gotta eat, right? 🤬
April 18, 2024
Anthony Sheedy
Let's send Coles a bill for using their checkout and demand wages to stop greedy supermarkets from making billions of dollars with no social conscience. We need a politician to ban GM foods and the cashless society.
April 18, 2024
I hope he's not a hypocrite and doesn't use an ATM instead of demanding tellers do their job.
Duncan Stewart
If you're mad about the self serve checkouts at Coles, why not hop on over to Aldi where the prices are always low and the checkout game is always full service!
Steve Smith
I can't stand those self-checkouts and absolutely refuse to use them! Like, as if these stores weren't already trying to swindle us, now they expect us to do their job for them too. And don't even get me started on how it means they don't have to hire more checkout staff!
April 18, 2024
Bernadette Osborne
The thirst for more is a major vibe, can't stand it.
He is correct and amusing.
Nick Stephenson
Keep swiping stuff from the store.
Dale Allen
We always choose self-checkout. It's quick and easy - just scan, pack, and go with the receipt. Manned checkouts are great for older and disabled customers. We prefer places that offer this choice and always go self-serve wherever we can.
Pat Carroll
I prefer self-serve because I can go at my own pace and easily check for errors.
April 18, 2024
Madison Gallo
Me too, mate.
Stephen Hill
Smart move, I’ve decided to boycott Cole’s because of their rude behavior towards us!
LMFAO I can't stop cracking up, but he's not wrong.
Dirk Lockwood
So many folks in developed countries gripe about this. I'm not trying to downplay the situation, as I personally use the self-checkout at Coles a ton. On the other hand, many people in other countries don't even have enough money to buy a cart full of groceries. Now I get why people say traveling te... View More
I just ask for someone to open a checkout if I have a big trolley, it’s never been a drama for the store otherwise I’m happy to scan a small basket myself. Staff have told me heaps of the team have shifted to filling online orders, no one has mentioned anyone losing their job.
Heck yeah, we should totally do the same! They've saved a bunch of money and probably aren't sharing the love with us or the farmers. Let's stick it to 'em by boycotting those checkouts, and let's stick to using cash instead of cards.
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